Keeping a diary can be a fun way to chronicle one’s life. Yet, unless you have a penchant for writing or a lot of time on your hands, this habit can get boring. You have to get creative and make what you place on paper real. Here’s how.

1. Tab pages

Want to re-read a special moment? Spice up your diary by marking the page with a tab. Then, when you pick up your special journal, you can quickly go to the spot that makes your heart melt.

2. Add photos

You can use magazine clippings or pictures of important people to help describe your day (or week). Images of events can give you a path toward sorting out an emotion or problem. Whatever you picture in your mind will remind you of the solution.

3. Change pens

Release your loyalty to the black and blue pen. Spice up your diary by using a rainbow of pens with different points and colors. You can use various ones to bring home a feeling like a red one for anger.

4. Apply stickers

Want to highlight the accomplishment of a goal? Place a star-shaped sticker on the side of your entry. Colorful stickers can serve as symbols for different events like a new romance (hearts) or a pay raise (green dots).

5. Create poetry

Work the right side of your brain and spice up your diary with poetry. Empty the depths of your soul through rhymes and metaphors. As time goes on, you might just discover a hidden talent.

6. Vary start points

Who says you have to start an entry at the top of the page? Begin yours in the middle, on the side or upside down. Make your eyes work (or someone else’s) to scan what’s been written for that day.

7. Go avant-gard

Spice up your diary by purchasing one that’s unique. You can get diaries with pre-written questions, remarkable quotes and finely designed pages. Start your search online or in specialty bookstores.

8. Get guest entries

Show another side of your life by asking a friend, lover or child to make an entry. You can let him write directly on your book or tape in a page. Getting someone else’s thoughts in your diary will be a memorable experience.

Use these ideas to turn your diary into something that you want to write in each day. Unlike others, yours daily recordings will be a work of art (or at least a feast for your eyes).