Halloween’s quotes and aphorisms are everywhere. You open Facebook or Twitter and see them there. It’s the same with Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. If you’re wondering what you should be posting, what’s relevant, and what will get you lots of views and likes related to Halloween, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are some creepy funny Halloween quotes.

1. List of Funny Halloween Quotes 2020

  1. “The idea of dying and coming back is what makes the Halloween films work.”
  2. “May the ghost be with you.”
  3. “Halloween starts earlier and earlier, just like Christmas.”
  4. “Halloween is huge in my house and we really get into the “spirits” of things.”
  5. “I don’t know that there are real ghosts and goblins, but there are always more trick-or-treaters than neighborhood kids.”
  6. “At this point my blood type is Pumpkin Spice.”
  7. “Trick or treat, bags of sweets, ghosts are walking down the street.”
  8. “I wave my wand and put on my cape and wish you lots of treats and success coming your way. Happy Halloween!”
  9. “I am guilty of eating candy in cold blood.”
  10. “Pumpkin spice and Everything Nice.”
  11. “At first cock-crow the ghosts must go Back to their quiet graves below.”
  12. “We used to go around tipping outhouses over, or turning over corn shocks on Halloween. Anything to be mean.”
  13. “When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, May Luck be yours on Halloween.”
  14. “A candy a day keeps the monsters away.”
  15. “When Halloween is here the monsters appear and the candies disappear.”
  16. “I love the spirit of Halloween and the energy that comes with it.”
  17. “When witches go riding & black car are seen, the moon laughs & whispers this is Halloween!”
  18. “This letter is sealed with a vampire kiss and bite.”
  19. “Happy Halloween! Time to carve out the pumpkin, bring out the candies and let’s get sugar high.”
  20. “May you have a bag full of candy, bones, bats and loads of fun. Happy Halloween!”

2. Funny Halloween Quotes For Adults

  1. “Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.” –J.K. Rowling
  2. “Just because I cannot see it, doesn’t mean I can’t believe it!” – Jack Skellington
  3. “Halloween was confusing. All my life my parents said, ‘Never take candy from strangers.’ And then they dressed me up and said, ‘Go beg for it.’ I didn’t know what to do! I’d knock on people’s doors and go, ‘Trick or treat…No, thank you.’” — Rita Rudner
  4. “I put a spell on you because you’re mine.” – Jay Hawkins
  5. “Look, there’s no metaphysics on earth like chocolates.” — Fernando Pessoa
  6. “I see my face in the mirror and go, ‘I’m a Halloween costume? That’s what they think of me?’” — Drew Carey
  7. “Halloween is huge in my house and we really get into the ‘spirits’ of things.” — Dee Snider
  8. “I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion.” — Henry David Thoreau
  9. “I’ll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.”
  10. “May you have a hair-raising experience, chills and thrills on Halloween!”
  11. “From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!”
  12. “Where there is no imagination, there is no horror.” – Arthur Conan Doyle
  13. “On Halloween, the parents sent their kids out looking like me.” — Rodney Dangerfield
  14. “There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch.” – Robert Brault
  15. “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.” – William Shakespeare
  16. “There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world.” — Jean Baudrillard
  17. “Magic is really very simple. All you’ve got to do is want something and then let yourself have it.” – Aggie Cromwell
  18. “A person should always choose a costume which is in direct contrast to her own personality.” – Lucy Van Pelt
  19. “I love Halloween, and I love that feeling: the cold air, the spooky dangers lurking around the corner.” – Evan Peters
  20. “It’s Halloween; everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” – Brackett

3. Halloween Party Quotes

  1. “I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that any weirdo wearing a mask is never friendly.” – Elizabeth
  2. “Do you believe in destiny? That even the powers of time can be altered for a single purpose?” – Bram Stoker
  3. “On Halloween, witches come true; wild ghosts escape from dreams. Each monster dances in the park.” – Nicholas Gordon
  4. “When the witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers ’tis near Halloween.”
  5. “The farther we’ve gotten from the magic and mystery of our past, the more we’ve come to need Halloween.” – Paula Guran
  6. “Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.” – Edgar Allan Poe
  7. “For a witch, you certainly don’t know much about how hauntings work.” – Collen Houck
  8. “Anyone could see that the wind was a special wind this night, and the darkness took on a special feel because it was All Hallows’ Eve.” – Ray Bradbury
  9. “Have you come to sing pumpkin carols?” – Linus
  10. “She used to tell me that a full moon was when mysterious things happen and wishes come true.” – Shannon A. Thompson
  11. “I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color.” – Wednesday Addams
  12. “The moon has awoken with the sleep of the sun, the light has been broken; the spell has begun.” – Midgard Morningstar
  13. “Shadows mutter, mist replies; darkness purrs as midnight sighs.” – Rusty Fischer
  14. “It’s Halloween; everyone’s entitled to one good scare.” – Brackett
  15. “Halloween is not only about putting on a costume, but it’s about finding the imagination and costume within ourselves.” – Elvis Duran
  16. ‘“Tis the night — the night of the graves delight and the warlocks are at their play; Ye think that without the wild winds shout, but no, it is they — it is they.” – Cleveland Coxe
  17. “Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep.”
  18. “There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand.” – Mary Shelley
  19. “Halloween wraps fear in innocence, as though it were a slightly sour sweet. Let terror, then, be turned into a treat …” – Nicholas Gordon
  20. “Just because I cannot see it, doesn’t mean I can’t believe it!” – Jack Skellington
  21. “Darkness falls across the land, The Midnight Hour is close at hand.” – Rodney Lynn Temperton
  22. “The world turned upside down — in a good way — for one black velvet night.” – Karen Fortunati
  23. “If human beings had genuine courage, they’d wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween.” – Douglas Coupland
  24. “Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen. Voices whisper in the trees, “Tonight is Halloween!” – Dexter Kozen
  25. Villainy wears many masks, none so dangerous as the mask of virtue.” – Ichabod Crane

4. Short Halloween Quotes for Instagram

  1. “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” – William Shakespeare
  2. “It’s all just a bunch of hocus pocus!” – Max
  3. “It’s as much to scare as to be scared.” – Vincent Price
  4. “Nothing on Earth so beautiful as the final haul on Halloween night.” – Steve Almond
  5. “During the day, I don’t believe in ghosts. At night, I’m a little more open-minded.”
  6. “I must go in. The fog is rising.” – Emily Dickinson
  7. “Halloween is opportunity to be really creative.” – Judy Gold
  8. “Werewolves howl. Phantoms prowl. Halloween’s upon us now.” – Richelle E. Goodrich
  9. “We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!” – Humbert Wolfe
  10. “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.” – William Shakespeare
  11. “Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story.” – Mason Cooley
  12. “There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.” – George Carlin
  13. “We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones.” – Stephen King
  14. “A mask tells us more than a face.” – Oscar Wilde
  15. “Trick or treat, bag of sweets, ghosts are walking down the street.”
  16. “When the witches went waltzing.” – Linda Williams
  17. “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” – L.M. Montgomery
  18. “Men say that in this midnight hour, the disembodied have power.” – William Motherwell
  19. “There is something haunting in the light of the moon.” – Joseph Conrad
  20. “There is nothing that gives more assurance than a mask.” – Colette
  21. “The dead rise again, bats fly, terror strikes and screams echo, for tonight it’s Halloween.”
  22. “There is magic in the night when pumpkins glow by moonlight.”
  23. “Every day is Halloween, isn’t it? For some of us.” – Tim Burton
  24. “I put a spell on you because you’re mine.” – Jay Hawkins
  25. “On Halloween you get to become anything that you want to be.” – Ava Dellaria
  26. “Sticky fingers, tired feet; one last house, trick or treat!” – Rusty Fischer
  27. “Be afraid, be very afraid.” – Ronnie
  28. “When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, may luck be yours on Halloween.”
  29. “Listen to them — the children of the night. What music they make!” – Bram Stoker

Article credit from womenosophy.com.