Are you tired of the cliché cars and trucks or teddy bears themes and looking for unique baby boy nursery themes? I’ll give you a few fresh and excellent ideas for your son’s room. Check out a few unique baby boy nursery themes and choose the one you think your son will definitely like as he gets older.

1. Fishing themed nursery

For this nursery theme, you could go with a regular fish and some deep sea creatures, or even choose a Finding Nemo theme! Many little boys love sharks, maybe because of danger thrill. But you can also use other elements that correspond with sea fishing or simply go with the ocean animals.

2. Dinosaur themed nursery

Children love dinosaurs, they are so cute! And this is one of my favorite baby boy nursery themes that your little boy will not outgrow for several years! Although you can add some new items as your son gets older, dinosaur themed nursery will be age appropriate for about 4-5 years. Less troubles and more money saved for mother!

3. Pirate themed nursery

With this theme you could get really creative or keep it simple and unique. You are bound to have one of the most creative themes on your hands, so you can go a little nautical and use some elements of the ship and ocean mixed in there.

4. Outer space themed nursery

Outer space has always been fascinating for little boys, because they love exploring the unknown. You can even go all out and paint your boy’s room in black, then use stickers to cover the ceilings and walls in planets and little stars and moons. Just get creative with this theme because there are plenty of amazing things you could do!

5. Animal themed nursery

All children like animals, especially little boys! So why not opt for animal themed nursery? You may choose any way you like, but one of the best ways to go with this theme is to use something like a zoo, a farm, or even a circus!

6. Cowboy themed nursery

It’s one of the cutest baby boy nursery themes many moms use! You can use curtains trimmed with or made out of blue-jeans material, and bandannas all over the room. Moreover, you can use a rope to trim some lamps or even picture frames.

7. Bugs themed nursery

Since most of little boys are fascinated with bugs, this is another perfect baby boy nursery theme! Once I saw a room with spiders, dragonflies, ants, and other little insects crawling around dresser corners or window frames. You can also find and use some unique poster or material in the nursery!

8. Sports themed nursery

One of my favorite sports for a little boy’s nursery is baseball, but you could actually use any sport you love. Or you can even mix them all together! You can paint the corners of the room to look like a soccer ball, football, or baseball!

Do you have any ideas for baby boy nursery themes? What baby boy nursery themes do you like? Share your ideas, please.