With a wide range of foods available these days, we can improve our overall well-being if we choose the right items. Food is also used for diverse medicinal purposes and can heal your body, reduce cancer risk, and boost your libido. Yes, you read that right. Read on to find out what you should definitely add to your weekly meal plan in order to improve or regain your libido.
1. Vanilla
Available in different forms, vanilla is renowned for its powerful aphrodisiac qualities. Whether you digest or smell it, it is sure to boost your libido. If you do not feel like eating it, opt for a vanilla body lotion or vanilla shampoo.
2. Blueberries
Apart from great antioxidant content, blueberries possess incredible libido-boosting properties. Blueberries help to promote healthy blood flow, which is good for your body’s libido. Load your breakfast or lunch with fresh or frozen blueberries to have a more passionate night.
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3. Chili peppers
Chili peppers stimulate your brain to produce endorphins, which help you relax, fight stress and feel content. If you are looking to spice up your love life, consider spicing up your dinner with chili peppers.
4. Eggs
While it is not recommended to eat eggs in the evening, you can absolutely add them to your breakfast or lunch menu. Not only are eggs an excellent source of protein, but they also contain vitamin B5 and vitamin B6, which are known to balance the sex hormones and help you relax by warding off stress and anxiety.
5. Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is everywhere – especially around Valentine’s Day – and for good reason. It is associated with romance and is rich in serotonin that promotes happiness. Dark chocolate also helps to reduce stress and produces chemicals similar to the chemicals released during sex. Thus, when you feel less stressed and a lot happier, you can easily increase your libido.
Read also – 8 Hot Chocolate Recipes to Keep You Warm This Rigid Winter
6. Basil
Basil boasts a host of health benefits and it is a widely used aphrodisiac that helps your circulation that in turn helps your blood pump, increasing your libido. A number of studies have also shown that a regular intake of basil can improve fertility.
7. Almonds
Almonds are fortified with the amino acids L-Arginine, which stimulates the production of nitric acid. Plus, almonds contain essential fatty acids. These make almonds an excellent snack for improving sexual health in both women and men.
These romantic foods are not simply fabulous aphrodisiacs; they help to improve overall health as well. Moderation is still important, though. What are your favorite aphrodisiacs?