It is a natural desire of every person to be better than others at anything, even if it is such a trifle. But some of us just underestimate our abilities and give up the fight.
Many people think that they lack some skills or traits of character, and finally, they become so desperate, that an inferiority complex appears. Abandon such thoughts!
Of course, you can`t be always and in everything better than others, it`s impossible. But you can take pains to be at least not the worst than others. Do you accept the challenge? Here is what you have to do in the first place.
1. Review everything
Although it’s not that easy as it sounds, you should revise what you write, or read, recheck what you do, put in or out, what you promise, include, exclude, etc. When you do so it means that you have everything under control, and which is more important, you always keep your words and promises. No errors will be found if you stick to this principle, and when you are not afraid of taking some responsibility.
2. Ask for help
Too much self-assurance is never good, and asking for help won`t do you any harm. Mind that the person you are asking for help with should be trustworthy and competent. Giving a concrete task will just make the thing easier. You must know whom exactly you want to get help from and be certain what they can help with.
If you are not sure whether you do it right or wrong, you`d better ask somebody to show, or explain it to you. It`s better than if somebody will spend hours correcting your mistakes. Bear in mind that when you put off some tasks in a huge pile, it will still be you who has to make it out.
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3. Keep everything under control
I advise you to have a small notebook or organizer so that you can plan and control all your activities. Then it will be easier to follow all your deadlines, commitments, and requirements. Don`t feel shy to ask questions about such things. When you know the terms, requirements, and time-frames you can`t fail with that.
4. Be a lifelong learner
Getting your degree and being employed doesn’t mean you should give learning. Revise what you already know, search for new better ways to get the job done, go with the times. There are many things that you don`t know.
Since all kinds of information are generally accessible, it won`t be a problem. Books, websites, newspapers, talks to competent people will open a lot of unknowns for you. As you keep learning you never stop developing, and, eventually, you`ll never be in the background.
5. Monitor the quality
Would you bear second-rate work from others? Don`t allow it to yourself! Everything you do should meet the standard and be according to certain rules or set patterns.
You will see people will respect you for that. Moreover, you will feel confident, and this will prove that you’re a real professional at what you do.
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6. Think big
Everyone faces numerous problems every day, but only a wise person never takes rapid decisions but looks at the bigger picture. It is not an easy way, but the habit comes with practice. Look in the future and see the perspective. You will get convinced that it is a far more effective way of solving problems with less risk of making wrong decisions.
7. Be big
Thinking big is not enough, you know. You should also set the requirements to yourself, and all the time strive to exceed your personal expectations as well as of other people. Know what you have to do and look for improvement.
Believing in your own powers is of great importance. And that feeling when you exceed the expectations can`t be described by words, you just have to feel it. Learn to be better than you have been before, and eventually, you will be able to boast of being better than others.
Sure, these are only some of the main ways to be better and better. The general principle is to develop, never stop at what has been accomplished, and learn to surpass yourself. Share your ideas of how to be better at everything. I`m eager to know!