Getting ready for class is the most widespread problem among all students. To get something more or less decent for a class one should spend hours in the library, have a sleepless night to put the information in order. The next morning you can hardly get up and you oversleep. Getting ready in the morning seems to be very challenging. But there are some tips to make your getting ready for class much easier. I think these pieces of advice will help you to cope with everything faster and easier.
1. You snooze, you lose
From now on, forget this bad habit to snooze in the morning. It does you no good. You`ll get up sleepy and even more tired anyway. Moreover, you`ll run 10 minutes late at best, the worst – you will oversleep. And again your morning turns into a mess. In case, that snoozing is essential for you, you should set your alarm clock for 30 minutes before that time, when you need to get up. Thus, you`ll have some time to snooze, and still, you will not be pressed for time to get ready.
2. Have your coffee ready
Most people can`t wake up completely until they have a cup of coffee. In order to save some precious minutes, set up your coffee maker the night before. The only thing you have to do in the morning is to press the button and drink your hot and bracing coffee. While your drink is getting ready you should not stand and wait, but you have a few minutes to do something else.
3. Brown-bag your meals
When your day is very busy, you definitely need to have a bite at lunch, so make sure to pack it with you. And what is more important, it is advised to do it the night before. By doing so, you will spare about 15 minutes in the morning. Just pack your lunch in the evening and put it into the fridge. You can also do the same with your breakfast. Then you`ll be always in time and never hungry. In this case your morning routine won`t be topsy-turvy.
4. Have a plan
Getting ready in the morning easier and faster demands a thought-out plan. It is impossible to get up and start rushing and doing million things at the same time. Your moisturizer requires some time to set in, so do it in the first place. Get dressed and only after it get down to your makeup and hair-do. Then they do not mess up while you put on a sweater. These are small things which you should take into consideration, and which will help you to save a little bit of time.
5. Plan your outfit beforehand
How many times have you been late because you could not make up your mind what to put on? It happened to me very often. To decide a perfect look demands some time. And usually we do not have this time in the morning. So a perfect way out may be to plan the outfit the night before. You have plenty of time to try all possible variants and prepare the necessary clothes for tomorrow. Starting this new habit has another advantage: you will always look fantastic.
Read also – 8 Tips for Streamlining Your Morning Routine
6. Incorporate your pajamas
A college student is not supposed to come to classes as if he has just left his bed, in pajama pants and a T-shirt. But you can do it so skillfully that nobody will get the trick. There are some cute ways to incorporate your pajamas into your wardrobe. If you decide to go to classes wearing leggings and a sweater, put on your leggings and a tank in the evening. So, all you have to do in the morning is to put on your sweater and the necessary accessories. Transfer some of your morning duties to the night before and your mornings won`t be so busy.
7. Have a go to outfit
Planning your outfit the night before is not for you? So, here is the solution. Think of a go to formula for every day, and your morning will get easier. With me it is leggings, riding boots, and a few lovely and comfy sweaters or shirts. It may not look as the trendiest outfit ever, but it will take you less time to get ready in the morning.
8. Focus on the essentials
We have to do numerous things in the morning, but the most time we spend preening our feathers. Many women just can`t go out without make up or without washing hair every morning. So, in order not to run to classes, take a shower but dry your hair partially, let the rest air-dry. If you do your makeup, don`t focus on the whole face. Choose a natural look, so you have to concentrate on your eyes and lips only.
Read also – 8 Tips to Follow If You Want to Look Good in the Morning
9. Work your up-do
Another great every morning problem to solve for every morning is to do the hair. We certainly lack time to do something outstanding. That`s why my advice is to think of a cute up-do for you. It will not take much time, and, what is also of importance, it is trendy this year. Whether you choose a cute top-knot or a funky ponytail, you will look great. You will kill two birds with one stone.
I hope these tips will help you to turn every morning preparation to classes into a pleasure. Imagine an ideal morning without haste and running around. You look gorgeous, and you are never late. Would you try to make some changes in your morning routine? Who knows, maybe you`ll recollect the forgotten idea of doing some morning exercises. What are your ways of getting ready in the morning easily?