If we don’t know how to deal with bad teachers, we will get stuck with them for the whole year. The things can get slightly better, but the problem won’t solve overnight, that’s why it is rather important to take it in your own hand.

If you can’t change the teacher, the class might change your studying and learning techniques. Take a look at a few helpful tips for dealing with bad teacher.

1. Do not draw a hasty conclusion

Sometimes people enlarge how bad the teacher is, that’s why do not draw a hasty conclusion, wait for a while and watch. Always make your own judgment and spend a couple of days with a clear mind.

In the end of your class your mind can be changed and you understand that the teacher is rather nice. You never know. It needs time to get used to a new teacher and class as well.

2. Do research

If you sign up for a class with a teacher who has terrible teaching methods, you need to do your own research. It’ll be great if you ask your friends, who know the teacher, for some information and tips on how to deal with this teacher.

Also, you can use the website ratemyteacher.com or something similar to find the teacher ratings and read some reviews. The best way to deal with a teacher is to be aware of what kind of person he or she is.

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3. Try to get on the good side

If it is impossible to change your studying schedule, you need to learn how to deal with your teacher. Try to work with him or her. The best way to do it and reduce the stress is to get on the teacher’s good side.

Sure, there is no need to enlarge how much you love him or her, but you need to be involved in class discussion and make your own contribution to the lesson as much you can. A good relationship with your teacher can make time pass faster.

4. Transfer classes

If your school is rather big, the guidance counselor might not adjust teacher preference, that’s why changing teacher won’t help solve your problems. But, if it is possible to change your schedule, make it by all means. It will simplify your life and you’ll remove the stress.

5. Talk to the teacher

Try to talk to your teacher and express your own constructive suggestions, if his\her teaching techniques are not comfortable. If you think that posting questions online or going over hard work questions by teacher does better in class, then make the suggestion to your teacher. Maybe other students feel the same and it’ll help with your studying. You never know.

6. Self-study

If you think that the topic isn’t clearly explained, you can try self-study. Teaching something to yourself is the best way to learn and remember it for a long.

It can be harder and take more time, but after all your grades will be good in spite of a bad teacher. You will see a good result.

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7. Form study groups with friends

If you’re not sure what’s going on in your class even after studying, you can form a study group. Just choose friends who know the material and study seriously.

When you study together, you help each other. Such method can help improve your marks. After all it’s a good pastime!

Not always we are satisfied with our teachers, but we still need to deal with them the whole year. Find your own way how to improve relationships with a teacher. If you have some other tips, please share them with us.