Perhaps now you are going to buy a new foundation for your make-up. It’s winter now, and don’t forget that you should be more careful with your skin and the cosmetics you choose for make-up in cold seasons. When it is cold, we can’t use those items we used in summer; we should obviously change them.

In winter, our skin becomes more vulnerable and needs more care because low temperatures affect it negatively. So when it comes to the foundation, you should certainly look for a new one that will protect your skin from dry and cold weather. I advise you to consider the following tips when you choose a good foundation in winter.

1. Control the Changes in Your Skin

If you decided to purchase a new foundation for your face, make sure to check out your skin and control all the changes in it. It is obvious that your skin is different in winter. For example, it can become dry and even peel off.

That’s why you will need to apply more cream and foundation to your face. It’s vital to consider all changes and peculiarities of your skin while buying a new foundation for winter.

2. Avoid Matte

First of all, when you try to find the perfect foundation or any other item for your skin, you should keep in mind some peculiarities of your skin and its type. Sometimes it can be reasonable to avoid products that have a mattifying effect.

For instance, if you have a dry skin type and use a matte foundation, your skin will become even drier. In such a case, it won’t look attractive. But if your skin is a combination, you may have some problems with the T-zone, and matte foundation will be helpful for you.

So you can see that your choice of products for face care in winter depends on your skin type. Perhaps you will have to try different items before you can find the ideal for you.

Read also – 7 Best Skin Care Tips from Famous Women

3. Back to Basics

When you start looking for a new foundation, check out if all the other products you use are appropriate for the winter season. Certainly, now you should change a light formula for richer as at this period your skin needs more nourishment and moisture.

Don’t forget to buy some facial cleansers, which should also be moisturizing. Make it a rule to peel off your skin at least once a week.

After that, apply a good sunscreen and moisturizing cream. It’s essential to use them before you put any other make-up on your face.

4. Choose Light Powder for Your Skin

As winter comes, you should think not only about the purchase of a new foundation, but getting a new light powder is also a nice idea. You should change the whole set for your make-up.

Your old loose powder is not appropriate in dry and cold winter weather. It will make your skin look poorly and unnatural. Try to find a powder that will hydrate your skin and make it soft and smooth.

Choosing a good powder for your face in winter is also very important. That’s why try your best to pick up the most suitable for you.

5. Try Products with Different Formulas

If you really want to purchase an ideal winter foundation, I would recommend you skip the formula of your usual foundation. Look for something different. Those women who use the same skincare items throughout the year are greatly mistaken.

You should definitely change your make-up set in winter. If your skin becomes dry in winter, a liquid foundation with a moisturizing effect will be the most preferable for you.

Nowadays, you can find a great variety of wonderful mineral foundations which can be used in winter. But I must disappoint you it’s not suitable for everyone.

If you have dry skin, better avoid this product as it will only emphasize your skin’s defect. You will be delighted with the result if you opt liquid hydrating foundation. Your skin will look amazing!

6. Experiment with Color

Most women face numerous problems while choosing the right foundation for winter. One of them is the best color to match their skin. Don’t be afraid to experiment with color. You can reach the perfect tone by mixing several foundations together.

Even professionals say that it’s necessary to have a few foundations with different shades so that you can mix them any moment you need and get a magnificent color. Certainly, it can be harmful to your budget.

That’s why buy 2 or 3 items only when you really need that. And one of the crucial points you should always keep in mind is to apply foundation on your neck. Otherwise, the color of your face and neck will be absolutely different and look unnatural.

Read also – 7 Things Your Skin Needs Every Day

7. Mix Different Formulas

I want to mention that you can mix the foundations with different colors and the ones with different formulas. If you want your face to look healthy, free from oily gloss, and hydrated, the best advice for you will be to mix hydrating and matte foundations. Surely this way to achieve the desired effect is rather costly.

As an alternative, you can add a bit of your moisturizing cream to winter foundation. In order to get rid of some dry spots on your face, you can use a damp sponge to apply this skin care product to your face.

I hope that looking for a new winter foundation won’t be a problem for you. That is an incredible chance for you to add something new to your skincare routine.

Do you know some secrets which help you to choose the perfect foundation in winter? What is your favorite one?