What’s the best way to potty train a child? Well, the jury is still out on this question, but most experts agree that it’s important to make it fun. And that’s what “A Potty for Me!” does.

It makes toilet training fun! Author Karen Katz has written over 40 picture books for children and has a deep understanding of child psychology and learning methods.

Barely 28 pages long, this hard-cover title is easy for children to read along with their parents and makes a game out of the toilet training exercise. It teaches through rhymes reinforced by color cartoon illustrations, and is suitable for children of both genders.

Kids love the style of following

The text is upbeat and positive, freely using expressions like “That’s okay!” or “Yes, I did it”. Kids love the style of following along as the child in the story plays, sits on the potty, eats, sleeps, and sits on the potty again.

I’m so proud of me!

The book is written from a child’s point of view and designed to lead to the point where the toilet trained toddler can happily say, “I’m so proud of me!” And parents love the book, too.

Many think the story is well written and sweet, and gets into the important issue of anxiety that a child feels about being potty trained. In summary, this is a valuable addition to the plethora of literature on this always popular subject.