It’s been said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. They’re certainly essential for seeing the beauty inherent in our worlds. They are often one of the features to first be noticed by others.

It only makes good beauty sense to enhance them as much for beauty as for health. The following ten ways will help you get your eyes noticed and will keep them looking their most attractive and best!

1. Change Your Glasses

A great new pair of glasses in a color you don’t typically wear can wake up the look of your eyes. When choosing new frames, be sure they complement the shape and size of your eyes. Dark frames can make your eyes seem smaller while a lighter shade may make them appear a touch larger.

Don’t simply confine yourself to today’s selection either; you may discover that a great pair of vintage frames gives your eyes that wow factor you’re looking for.

2. Choose a Dark Eye Liner

Dark eye liner enhances the look and shape of the eye in many ways. Using dark liner either above or below the eye simply provides a noticeable contrast between the white of the eye and the eye color.

While there have been makeup trends over the years calling for green or blue liner, the darker shades like inky black or dark charcoal gray are most effective for providing this contrast.

3. Shimmer

Even if you don’t wear much eye-makeup or eye shadow, you can make your eyes appear more noticeable by wearing some shimmering shadow. In fact, you can even choose a nude shade that embodies this sparkle factor.

Colored shadows can also be found with shimmering notes that will take your eyes to a whole new level. If you’re heading out of town, don’t leave home without revving up your shimmering look.

Read also – 10 Classic Makeup Looks to Try

4. Careful Mascara Application

The whole mascara wand can be a dangerous thing! It often leads to too much mascara or globs that get stuck on the lashes and foul up your application. It may take you longer to apply, but just try to use the wand’s tip to apply mascara lash by lash.

This allows you to enhance every single lash effectively. You’ll love this tailored look that achieves great results for your eyes.

5. Add Some Curl Factor

If you don’t typically curl your eyelashes, give it a try. You’ll notice that your eyes will pop with a more dramatic look that actually enlarges the look of your eye.

Always pinch as close to the roots of your lashes using your curler as you can so you don’t bend the lashes at their ends. Curling your lashes can also enhance a sultrier look that is perfect for ramping up you appearance for special occasions.

6. Sheer Concealer

Applying a sheer concealer around the eyes is like magic. Your eyes will pop even before you apply any eye makeup. Not only can you wake up tired eyes, you’ll add some brightness to the area which sets the stage for your makeup job. You’ll also conceal dark patches and create a more even base for your makeup job.

7. Mind the Eyebrows

Eyebrows are subject to all sorts of treatments from plucking to waxing. Eyebrows are also suggestive of a person’s sense of style or idea of beauty. Your eyebrows, however, can enhance the eyes when they don’t divert attention from them. Unkempt or overly manicure brows are like to take attention away from the beauty of the eye.

To show off your eyes effectively, keep you brows looking natural but enhanced with a slight arch.

Read also – 10 Ways to Choose the Right Eyebrow Shape

8. Work with Your Color

Some colors just work better with brown eyes as others might better enhance green or blue ones. Getting to know which colors look best on you may be a matter of trial and error.

However, you can do a few searches to find plenty of information about enhancing the particular color of your eyes using eye-makeup in different hues that are known to compliment certain eye colors.

9. Colored Contact Lenses

You can dramatically enhance the look of your eyes when you wear colored contacts. Many people even wear contacts that match the color of their eyes for a color-boosting look. On the other hand, if you’ve dreamed of having blue eyes, you can choose a shade that will complement your appearance.

Colored contacts are more inexpensive than ever and there is a wide selection of eye-enhancing contacts commercially available.

10. Layer Your Makeup

By applying a layered or built-up makeup application, you prep your eyes to look better longer. If you want your eyes to look better longer during the day or evening, apply base and then several layers of your liner and shadow.

The color clings better so it stays on longer. Sure, you don’t need to apply a heavy layer in each case; a light layer goes a long way and your eyes will look like you just freshened them up for hours.

If you are trying to enhance your eyes, consider using any of the tips mentioned above. Hopefully, they will help you. If you have any other tips, feel free to share them with us.