This day is a special one for Tom Felton. Today this English actor and musician, best known for playing the role of Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter film series, celebrates his 24th birthday.

Tom Felton has been acting since he was 8 years old at the suggestion of an actress friend of his family who recognized Felton’s theatrical talents. Felton met an agent, and two weeks later, after auditioning with over 400 other children, he landed an international commercial campaign and went abroad to work.

As a talented singer, he started singing in a church choir at the age of 7 and was a member of four choirs at school. He declined an offer to join the Guildford Cathedral Choir. He is a keen sportsman enjoying football (soccer), ice skating, rollerblading, basketball, cricket, swimming, and tennis.

In between acting gigs, Tom still manages to find time for music. He is one of the founding owners and talent of Six String Productions, a recording company devoted to signing young musical artists overlooked by the major recording industry.

Happy Birthday, Tom Felton!

Photo: nida.farhi