We all have ex-boyfriend that we’re trying to make jealous. So do you want to know how to make your ex jealous?
Then my dear, you’ve got to read this article! I’ve got a list of 8 effective ways to make your ex-boyfriend jealous.
1. Talk about Other Guys
The first way to make your ex-boyfriend jealous is start talking about other boys. Mention about boy that you kissed in the bar or even mention how you chatted up a sexually attractive man in the gym.
Believe me, your ex will get jealous really quick and that’ll make him want you even more! Check out this flirting tips with boys, I hope I will help!
2. Be Nice
Boys hate when a girl isn’t bitter about a break up. They don’t like when a girl is nice to them, because it makes them remember exactly how things used to be before you broke up.
That’s why one of the effective ways to make your ex-boyfriend jealous is to be nice and civil to him. It’ll drive him crazy!
3. Be Happy
Even if you aren’t happy, pretend to be it! Really, do you want to learn how to make your ex-boyfriend jealous?
So you’ve got to be happy without him. Show him that you might be better off without him and how you don’t even remember why you needed to be with him!
4. Show Him the New You
Have you changed a bit? So it’s good! And now your task is to show off the new you and let him know that you changed for the better! Believe me, when a guy sees a girl that he used to date looking and feeling better without him, it’s one of the effective ways to make your ex-boyfriend jealous!
5. Look Good
You need not only to show off the new you, you should also look good all the time. Put your sexiest outfit on to strut around in or put his favorite outfit on that you look great in and use that to make him jealous! Boys always like a girl that looks good!
6. Leave Him Waiting If He Sends a Message to You
Did your ex-boyfriend finally break through and send a message to you? Well ladies, if you really want to make your ex jealous, you’ve got to leave him waiting.
I’ve made my ex wait at least three days before I answered. It drove him crazy!
Read also – 6 Ways to Stop Him from Looking at Other Girls
7. Use Social Media
Are you going out on the town with the girls to walk? Say about it on your Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter. Social media is a great way to make your ex-boyfriend jealous!
8. Be confident
Finally girls, remember, the key to making your ex-boyfriend jealous is to be confident in not just yourself but your actions. Believe me he’ll wonder what he was thinking leaving you!
So now you know all effective ways on how to make your ex-boyfriend jealous and make him want you back! What other ways and tricks do you have on how to make your ex jealous? Share, please.