Being sick is just a waste of time, so I’m sure that no one wants to cope with a cold or flu. This winter I suggest you stay healthy and spend your time taking care of the kids, working, or doing something important.

Forget about sore throats, runny noses, and hacking coughs! Here is a list of 8 useful tips for staying healthy in winter.

1. Get enough sleep

In winter it’s especially important to get enough sleep. If you don’t, you will be more susceptible to diseases.

However you shouldn’t sleep too much, because you wake up feeling sleep drugged and groggy, that’s why each night tries to get 7-9 hours of sleep. You’ll feel thoroughly rested, your body has enough time to recover, and your immune system will get much stronger.

2. Get all of your vitamins

During the winter season, it’s very important to get all of your vitamins. Of course, a daily multivitamin is helpful, but try to get them straight from the source.

I think you know that Vitamin C is essential, so try to eat and drink lots of citruses. You also need to get lots of vitamin D, so drink milk, eat some tuna or salmon, try to get outside when you can, or add cod liver oil into your diet.

3. Eat more veggies

The most effective way to stay healthy in winter is to eat well, especially vegetables. But it doesn’t mean that you should eat your vegetables every day, you need to eat at least one serving of leafy green veggies.

Kale is great, as well as collards or spinach. You can also get bold and try Swiss chard or dandelion greens.

4. Stay hydrated

It’s also vital to drink more water in winter. If you can’t drink clear water try to drink natural fruit juices.

Hot tea, especially if it’s a green or herbal tea, is also perfect during the winter season. If you want to be healthy you should make sure you stay hydrated!

5. Have a catnap

Sometimes we just don’t have enough time to get 7-9 hours of sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep at night try to have a catnap throughout the day. It’s another effective way to stay healthy in winter, and it doesn’t take up a lot of your time.

Even if you don’t want to sleep, just resting for 20 minutes is very helpful. Besides, you will feel well and more active.

6. Stay active

Staying healthy in winter also means staying active. Of course, it’s difficult to get out and about when it’s snowing or cold, but it’s very useful. In winter it’s hard to get motivated, but you just need to try!

Even if you work out in your living room or just walk your dog, you are doing your body well. Don’t lead a sedentary lifestyle just because it’s cozy and warm inside.

7. Keep personal hygiene

Keeping personal hygiene is one of the most important things to stay healthy in winter. I’m not going to tell you to wash your hands every ten minutes, but try to do it regularly.

If you want you can use a hand sanitizer and wipe down such communal objects as telephones. The surest way to get sick is to sneeze into your hand so don’t do this.

8. Avoid extreme temperatures

And the last useful tip for you is to avoid extreme temperatures. Don’t turn up the heat at night or while you are in the shower. It is not good for you!

If you keep it cooler at night, you’ll sleep much better. Of course don’t make it too cold, because you may catch a cold. Find a median between 22 degrees and 24 degrees.

As you can see, most of these tips for staying healthy during the winter season involve making some time to take care of yourself. Remember your well-being is essential and your health is important. You need to take care of yourself!

What are your ways to stay healthy in winter? Share your thoughts, please!