Even though buying a big house or a new car might sound great, but is it really achievable? It is important to pick some realistic resolutions that will make a big difference. Achievable resolutions can make you feel proud when looking back on your year. I’ve got a list of 5 easily achievable New Year’s resolutions for you to make.

1. Read more

Now when you are no longer a student, it can be extremely difficult to find the energy and time to read. When I have settled into bed with my favorite book just in a few minutes I’ve nodded off. But I know that reading could help prevent mental decline and improve our memory, so it is not only enjoyable and relaxing but it is also good for our mental health.

Buy a collection of short stories to make sure that you get to read more this year. You may also join some book clubs. You can also download a book list, which has been voted for by people so that you have some well-written and exciting books to read.

2. Drink tea

After consuming two months’ worth of drinks and a month’s worth of food within one week, it is not surprising that after the New Year and Christmas period we all swear to lose weight and be healthier over the coming year. But how many of us do it and how many of us can’t stick to our resolutions?

One of the easily achievable New Year’s resolutions is drinking herbal tea. For example, green tea is believed to aid weight loss, and the antioxidants can protect your heart and blood vessels and help improve your skin.

3. Book a course

The long holiday break can make us go back to our work harder and lots of people want some career change come January. Of course, it might be a great thing, but finding a new job is not so easy. To make this New Year’s resolution easily achievable you need to book a course at your local university or college.

Think about the job you’d like to have. What experience or qualifications are employers looking for? If you don’t have the needed qualifications, then you should definitely book a course. However, make sure that this course suits your style of learning and is recognized within your industry.

4. Moneybox

After the dozens of gifts, you have just bought I’m sure that your bank accounts are not looking too healthy. To improve finances over the coming year most people make a New Year’s resolution. Maybe it sounds like an easy resolution, but it’s one that many people can’t stick to after even February.

Buy a moneybox and when you get home from work put in it some coins you’ve loose in your pocket, purse, or wallet. It is amazing how quickly and how much money this saves. After three or four months you will need a new moneybox.

But don’t open it until December next year. If you stick to the daily money-giving routine, you will have enough money to cover some costs of Christmas and New Year.

5. Travel

If you like traveling it’s very important to make an easily achievable New Year’s resolution. Many people want to travel in order to break their routine life, but leaving your home, quitting your job, abandoning other responsibilities, and traveling around, for example, Thailand for five or six months isn’t a realistic New Year’s resolution.

So why not travel within your local area or volunteer on an overseas project for one or even three weeks? It can make a huge difference to your attitude towards your lifestyle.

These are all easily achievable New Year’s resolutions. Which of them are you going to make? Do you have something to add to this list? Share your thoughts, please!