There are many reasons to have a big wedding you might not even know. It’s so important to have the day that you want, when you get married. I would prefer a small wedding myself, but if you want a huge wedding and you can afford it, go ahead! Here are a few reasons you might want to have a big wedding.

1. You want it

If you want to have a big wedding then it’s a great reason for having one. After all, it’s your day and don’t let your parents or fiancé influence your decision. It’s usual for other people to take over, so make sure that you get the perfect wedding you want.

2. Sharing your happiness

One of the most adorable reasons you might want to have a big wedding is that you share your happiness with everyone you love. You can invite all your friends, the cousins and other relatives with their children, and enjoy your special day together! Inviting all close friends and relatives, who will enjoy being part of your special day, will create really great memories!

3. Memorable day

A big wedding with all the trimmings can really be a memorable day. A beautiful dress, classic car, a stunning venue and flowers will leave you with charming memories and breathtaking photos.

All brides dream of having a wonderful day and a big wedding will definitely make you feel special. That’s one of the reasons to have a big wedding.

4. You can afford it

It’s not good getting into debt for a big wedding, because you will be paying it off for several years, and you will feel a bit stupid if your marriage doesn’t work out. It is better to spend that money on buying a big house. However, if you have a lot of money, why not spend it on a large-scale wedding?

5. You have a big family

If your budget dictates that you should limit your guest numbers, you might not want to have a large wedding, but if not, then a big wedding is a great opportunity to see all those relatives that you rarely meet up with. You can also invite your distant relatives, all your friends and colleagues. It will be a really great party!

6. Presents

The next reason you might want to have a big wedding is all about gifts. In fact, the larger the wedding, the larger amount of presents! Of course, it can be a shallow reason for having a big wedding, because you will spend more money on inviting people than you will receive in presents. But still, it’s one of numerous advantages of having a large wedding!

7. It’s your first wedding

Every girl hopes that she will get married only once in her life. Having a large wedding is something that you won’t repeat, because your second wedding will be much more low-key. That’s why if you get married for the first time, it’s one of the great reasons you might want to have a really big wedding!

Most girls prefer the traditional big wedding, but there are those who want a more intimate day or even elope and completely avoid the stress of planning a wedding.

If you can afford and want a big wedding, why not have one? What other reasons to have a large wedding do you know? Share your thoughts, please!