When you apply for a new job, your resume could be the ticket to get your dream job. I have seen many resumes thrown straight in the bin and I did it myself too. Why? Because all those resumes were not worth reading. They were terribly structured and presented. And, they did not sound interesting.

No employer will want to read pages and pages of resume, so appreciate their time and master the art of writing a powerful resume that will land your dream job.

Putting together a simple yet successful resume is easy when you know how. Here is a great infographic created by Sampletemplates to help you get started in writing a successful resume and ensure you get a better chance of a job interview.

Try to consolidate all the information you want to include in your resume and present it in an appealing and organized way. Remember, your resume must be interesting and easy to digest.If you are going to apply for several jobs, consider creating different resumes, rather than just one and for all.