Looking great can take a lot of work, but if you follow a few essential beauty rules, you will find that it doesn’t take long to look your very best. If you are looking for a new beauty routine and don’t know where to start, here are ten beauty rules that every woman should live by.
1. Exfoliate your skin
Exfoliating your skin regularly is one of the most important things you can do to look your skin great. Removing the dead skin cells gives your skin a youthful, radiant glow. You can exfoliate by using a daily mask or a gentle facial scrub. It only takes a few minutes each day to get the best results.
2. Always wear sunscreen
Sunscreen protects your skin from damage caused by the sun’s UV rays. Too much exposure to sun can cause premature wrinkles, tough and dry skin, and skin cancer. Many moisturizers contain sunscreen, and some foundations do as well. Sunscreen is not just for the beach. Keeping a small bottle of sunscreen in your purse can help you to be prepared for any time you are in the sun.
3. Apply moisturizer daily
You should apply a daily moisturizer to your face every morning. It keeps your skin from looking dry while leaving it soft to the touch. Soaps strip your skin of hydration, which is why it is important to moisturize. Moisturizing is the same concept as body lotion, only for the face. Your face is exposed to wind, sun, dirt, and toxins, all of which can leave your skin dry. Take care of yourself by replenishing your skin’s natural hydration.
4. Always remove your makeup
Going to sleep with a full face of makeup is one of the worst things you can do for your skin. The oils in foundations and powders can clog your pores, and can lead to blackheads and acne. You should always wash your face before going to bed. You can purchase makeup removers, but usually a gentle cleanser will do the job.
5. Pamper yourself
A day at the spa isn’t just good for getting a mani-pedi and a facial. Spending a day at the spa gives you time to relax and melt away the stress of life. When you are upset, stressed, or overwhelmed, it can show. Make sure to take time out to pamper yourself at least once every month. You can also de-stress by doing yoga, Pilates, or any other type of exercise that restores energy and realizes you.
Read also – 10 Simple Ways to Pamper Yourself
6. Don’t land in a beauty rut
Finding a hair and makeup look that works for you can feel like hitting the jackpot, but you won’t want to cling to this look forever. You should update your hair and makeup style at least once a year to avoid an outdated style. If you aren’t sure what look you should go for, talk to a stylist who can help you find the latest looks that work with your personal style and your face’s shape.
7. Throw away old makeup
Your makeup does actually have an expiration date, even if there is nothing listed on the packaging. Mascara should be pitched every three to six months; eye shadows can last for one to two years. Foundation, concealer, and lip gloss should be replaced every year. Old makeup won’t do the job it is supposed to, so don’t hang on to the stuff you bought back in high school.
8. Be kind to your hair
There are some beauty habits that are bad for your hair. Washing daily can strip your hair of moisture, leaving it frizzy and damaged. You should also never use a curling iron or flat iron on wet hair, as these tools can cause your hair to break. Blow drying your hair every day can lead to damage and frizz.
9. Test your lipstick color
You don’t want to apply lipstick directly to your lips when shopping for new colors, but you still want to know if you are choosing the right color. Testing each shade on your fingertips is the best way to see what color is right for you. Your fingertips are similar in color to your lips, so you can get a good idea of what each shade will look like on you.
10. Use a daily cleanser
Bar soap and body wash isn’t made for your face’s delicate skin. Using the wrong soap can dry out your skin and can even cause skin irritation. A gentle cleanser formulated specifically for use on the face will help your skin look its best every day.
Read also – Changing Skin Care: Tips for All Seasons
You don’t have to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror to look great. These beauty tips will give you the boost you need to look great every day with just a few minutes of prepping and primping. Just remember, if you are suffering from a break-out, don’t overdo your skin care routine. What are your beauty rules that you live by?