If you suffer a downer during the winter months, there are a few ways to cope with the winter blues. No matter what the weather is doing and how gloomy your family, friends, and coworkers may be, try to stay positive and enjoy this wonderful season to the fullest.

If you have trouble dealing with the winter blues, here are a few effective tips to try. You can be happy in any sort of weather. If you can’t avoid the cold winter months, relax and enjoy all the things the winter offers you.

1. Get some light

Since there’s less daylight, many of us suffer from the winter blues. It can wreak havoc on the body’s natural circadian rhythm and impact the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating mood.

Open up your blinds and curtains to let the light in. You can also buy a blue LED light that will help to boost your mood and energy level.

2. Go out in the sun

There is no better cure for the winter blues than nice rays of sunshine. If there’s sun outside, make sure you go out in the sun for a while. Vitamin D is good for your physical as well as mental health.

It’s hard to be mournful when the sun is shining brightly down on you. The chilly, fresh air is also a great break from those overheated indoors. If there’s no sun outside, try combining light with exercise…

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3. Combine light with exercise

Perhaps, the most interesting and new way to beat the winter blues is to combine light with exercise. There are gyms that offer a unique class called “Lighten Up” which uses high-intensity interval exercises with light therapy meditation. If there is no gym in your area, you can exercise near a window with a blue LED light or with your blinds or curtains drawn.

4. Work out

The cold months of the winter are when we get the least amount of physical activity, about 10% less than in the summer. Just because it’s cold outside, doesn’t mean you have an excuse to skip your exercise. Make an effort to hit the gym or exercise at home.

It’s one of the best ways to fight the winter blues and keep those unwanted winter calories in check. If you don’t feel like exercising today, take a stroll in your local park, but be sure to leave your phone at home.

5. Magic chamomile

This is one of the easiest ways to try when it comes to the winter blues. Chamomile is known to have a calming effect and helps reduce symptoms of anxiety. It can also help reduce your winter blues.

Drink a cup of chamomile tea at night or even in the morning to start your day in a good mood. Chamomile tea has a smooth flavor and is caffeine-free, and it’s a great way to unwind after a stressful day.

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6. Stock up on fruits and veggies

Consuming plenty of fruits and veggies is good for you emotionally and physically. A study showed that people who consumed a lot of fruits and veggies were less likely to feel anxious, depressed, or suffer from other mental disorders.

So stock up on more fruits and veggies the next time you go food shopping. Smoothies, pies, salads, and stir-fries are all delis options.

7. Involve yourself in a new and interesting hobby

Involve yourself in a new and interesting hobby like putting together scrapbooks, baking cupcakes, or cookies. If you’re an adventurous person, try taking up a winter sport such as ice skating or cross-country skiing. Many people claim that it’s one of the best ways to beat the winter blues.

When you are busy, you don’t have time and desire to bemoan the lack of sun and cold weather. Start setting an example to people around you right now and help them to fight the winter blues. Life is too short to spend it complaining about bad weather and a bad mood.

Stay positive, live a happy and healthy life and you will forget about winter blues forever! How do you cope with the winter blues?