Looking for some easy and fun workouts for snow days? Do you think a workout shouldn’t feel like exercise? Great! I’ve got some easy snow day workout ideas to try in February. Lots of wintertime activities are incredibly fun and don’t feel like a chore, so why not have some exercise today?
Even if the weather is chilly, resist the temptation to spend the whole day in front of the TV. After all, February is the last month of winter and you won’t have an opportunity to enjoy snowy weather in spring and summer. Follow these tips for workouts and you will be surprised how you look when spring comes.
1. Snowmobiling
It is vital to take all necessary safety measures, but snowmobiling is a nice snow activity. All you have to do is drive and guide the snowmobile with your legs and arms.
Not only will you burn tons of calories, but you will also tone your muscles and entire body. In addition, you will have lots of fun!
2. Skiing
When you are swooshing down the hills, you never think about how many calories you are torching. Truly, hundreds!
If you have never considered skiing as a sports activity, you must be very surprised. Actually, skiing is the best workout you can do in winter.
It keeps your abs, arms, and legs working, and also gets your heart rate going. Plus, you know you burn many calories and swing your muscles at the same time. Now I only need to find out how to stay straight.
3. Hockey
Yes, hockey, you read it right! You shouldn’t be afraid of broken bones and missing teeth. You will not need to play too severely with an opponent.
In many cities, there are adult hockey leagues, which let you practice a few times every week. Some play indoors, while others just take you outside among the drifts and flakes.
If you have never tried this kind of sport, that might be not your best choice, but you can try it and take private lessons in February, and join a league at the end of the year.
4. Sledding
When you are on the top of the slope and watch your children sled down, it seems like fun, agree? Coming down and back up the hill numerous times is the perfect way to get rid of unnecessary calories and work your whole body!
That’s why next time, make your children allow you to have some fun too. You will burn some fat and work your legs, core, arms, chest, and back when enjoying the great sounds of your kid’s laughter and joy. Just for a moment, the cold winter will not seem so grim!
Read also – 10 Wonderful Family-Friendly Winter Activities
5. Ice skating
Every time your children ask you to go ice skating with them, stand on skates and go ahead. Moving your legs forth and back is a wonderful opportunity to burn calories and swing your calves and hips at the same time. It’s better to topple over as much as you can, which is extremely good for the abs since they are activated every time you balance.
6. Shoveling snow
Shoveling snow is not funny at all, but all the same, you need to do it. I have some great news for you – you can consider it as an effective workout. Just think about it.
Your arms must be burning when you are done and you probably have sweat too. It means you are burning calories and swinging your muscles when working out. Remember this next time you have been shoveling for half an hour that you have only done half the driveway.
7. Snowshoeing
It can seem funny and you can even fall on your face a few times, but trying to balance on snowshoes when going through the snow is a great opportunity to have some workout and fun at the same time.
You can torch hundreds of calories in about an hour while toning the muscles in your core, legs, and butt. While using poles for balance, you can swing your chest and arms as well. What else would you like?
February is the perfect time to get in shape. The season of light dresses and bikinis is coming so fast that we can’t waste a minute.
Winter is not my favorite season, but having lots of fun ways to exercise and spend time with my family makes it not so boring. What are your favorite workouts to do in the snow?