We all know that positive lifestyle changes can improve our lives in many ways. But, did you know that there are simple changes you can make that can help bring your blood pressure down naturally? Reducing stress and toxins, in addition to improving your diet can go a long way towards taking your numbers where they need to go.


Stress is arguably the number one preventable cause of high blood pressure. “Not enough hours in the day” and “too much month at the end of the money,” are all too often more than just sayings. When a person is pulled in too many directions, stress builds. If you don’t have an appropriate way to relieve this stress, the body starts to malfunction. Arteries constrict from the internal pressure and causes the heart to work harder than it should.

Some stress is unavoidable. However, we should eliminate what we can. Exercise and deep-breathing exercises are the two of the best long-term stress reducers. For a faster fix, try a hot bath while listening to some soothing music. Let us not forget the best stress-busters in the world laughter and sex. They say that laughter is the best medicine, but an orgasm will do.

Reducing toxins in your body also reduces stress. Quitting smoking and limiting alcoholic beverages to moderate amounts are obvious steps. Many, though, overlook the powerful benefits of adequate hydration. When the body doesn’t get enough water, blood becomes thicker and is harder to pump. Another way to lighten the heart’s load is to detox your body on a regular basis. Cleansing the digestive system removes toxic buildup and also helps keep the blood at the correct consistency.


After you remove the stress and toxins, make sure you are putting the best fuel into your body. Several foods have been found to lower blood pressure. The catch is that it only lowered the numbers in the subjects that had nutritional deficiencies to begin with. Celery, garlic, bananas, squash, tomatoes, leafy greens, and dark chocolate are all great additions to any diet. And, if you are deficient in some of their nutritional elements, your blood pressure could level out automatically.

In addition to following your doctors orders, you have much you can do to take control of your own health. So, run a bath, put on some soothing music, and grab a piece of dark chocolate. Your heart will thank you.