While every field requires different skill sets, there are certain core work values that are appreciated in almost any environment. Focus on cultivating the following ten work values if you want to increase your chances of getting promoted or finding a new job.

1. Motivation

There a couple of components to the type of motivation that most employers find attractive. For one thing, you need to display a strong work ethic, indicating that you are keen to work hard without being asked or pressured to do so. In addition, you should show that you are always interested in finding ways to improve the product or service you are providing.

2. Adaptability

The most valuable employees are flexible, so you should demonstrate that you are willing to change your role, hours and approach to suit your employers. If you say that you actively enjoy the challenges of a changing work environment, you will effectively communicate that you are attractively adaptable.

3. Integrity

Employers want to hire loyal, consistent people who can be trusted. Showing integrity involves not only demonstrating that you are committed to your job, but also making it apparent that you are an ethical, consistent person who can be trusted to represent your employers.

4. Problem-solving skills

If you have an analytical mind and immediately start thinking of solutions instead of dwelling on difficulties, your problem-solving skills will be an asset in almost any workplace. Employers like to know that you will be able to help them overcome problems and can think outside the box.

5. Responsibility

The most talented employee in the world is not a good hire if they cannot be trusted to stick to deadlines, honor agreements and show up to work on time! Responsible employees are steadfast, punctual and dependable.

6. Positivity

A genuine passion for your work will always make you seem more appealing to potential employers, as people who care about what they do are more likely to do it well. In addition, it is good to show that you can remain positive in the face of stress or setbacks.

7. Interest in self-development

When an employer hires you, they are investing in you and want to know that you will work on improving your performance. Even if you are very talented and highly qualified, you should make it clear that you are always interested in learning, developing new skills and keeping up with evolving technologies.

8. Interpersonal skills

While some workplaces are more focused on social interactions than others, almost every job requires dealing with people some of the time. If you are an affable, pleasant person with good manners, you will fit into most work environments.

However, if you aspire to a leadership position, it’s equally important to indicate that you know how to challenge others and get the best from people without resorting to bullying.

9. Multitasking abilities

Employers are looking to find out whether you can cope with doing a wide range of tasks without compromising the quality of any of the results. Evidence of multitasking also shows that you might be able to take over the work of another employee if someone is on an extended leave of absence.

10. Efficiency

Finally, efficiency is another trait that is extremely useful in almost all lines of work. Employers know that people who can work quickly but effectively will save them huge amounts of money by increasing overall productivity. Being efficient also means trying out shortcuts and offering inventive solutions that save time.

Keeping these ten work values in mind should help you to make a better impression in your current workplace. Job interview performance can also be dramatically increased by deliberately referencing each of the above values at a suitable point in the interview.