Celebrities are often considered self-centered and selfish, but the truth is that there are many celebs who give more of their time and money to help those less fortunate. The following is a list of 10 celebrities who give back to their local communities and the world. Hopefully, these famous people will inspire you to do the same. Giving is not just about money, though. It’s about how you treat others and give your time and efforts.
1. Carrie Underwood
Photo: MrHairyKnuckles
Carrie Underwood is a kind-hearted celebrity who created her charity, the C.A.T.S. Foundation to give back to her community. In addition to her own charity, Carrie Underwood has supported numerous charities including, but not limited to PETA, The Humane Society, City of Hope, and The Salvation Army.
2. Kevin Durant
Photo: ShuttrKing|KT
After the tornadoes in Oklahoma, Kevin Durant gave $1 million of his own money to help with the relief efforts. Kevin Durant is known for giving back to the communities he’s lived in. His charity, The Kevin Durant Charity Foundation, aims to enrich the lives of at-risk youth through education, sports, and social programs.
3. Bono
Photo: jurvetson
Not just a great musician, Bono is also very involved in giving back to the community and the world. He helped to organize Live8 with Bob Geldof. He’s also involved in Amnesty International, Chernobyl Children International, ONE Campaign, Water.org, and Zero Hunger. It’s clear to see from his list of charities that Bono has a great interest in making sure that everyone is fed, watered, and able to get medical help.
4. Scarlett Johansson
Photo: poptorrentnet
Scarlett Johansson is best known as an actress, but she’s also very involved in giving back. Johansson spent time serving food to victims of Hurricane Katrina and visited Rawanda in 2008 attending RED AIDS conferences and helping to educate people about AIDS. In addition, Scarlett Johansson has been involved with World Vision, Feeding America, Oxfam, and Clothes Off Our Back.
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5. Ludacris
Ludacris created the Ludacris Foundation. The goal of his foundation is to inspire youth and uplift families and communities. Some of the other charities he has been involved with include Get Schooled Foundation, Live Earth, and Charity Folks.
6. Taylor Swift
Photo: david_shankbone
In 2013 Taylor Swift was listed as one of the most charitable celebs. She is greatly involved in donating money to help in the relief of floods and tornadoes. She has also donated her prom dress as well as a guitar in order to raise money for causes. Other charities Swift has been involved with include DonateMyDress.org, Hero in Heels, Red Cross, UNICEF, and Shriners Hospitals For Children.
7. Kid Rock
Photo: cliff1066™
Kid Rock is very involved in his community of Detroit, Michigan. He supports Made In Detroit Endowed Scholarship, Youthville Detroit, and the Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit. He also supports Operation Homefront, Not On Our Watch, and Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.
8. Nora Roberts
Photo: greenbambooskincare.com
Best-selling author Nora Roberts supports literacy and arts programs as well as ones that assist children and humanitarian efforts through the Nora Roberts Foundation. Nora Roberts has also auctioned her jewellery for charity. She is considered one of the most charitable celebrities.
9. Jerry Seinfeld
Photo: david_shankbone
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld is very involved in supporting education, health associations, and Jewish organizations through the Seinfeld Family Foundation. He also supports the Andre Agassi Foundation for Education, Exploring the Arts, and Stand Up For A Cure. He proves that famous people are not as selfish as many of us think.
10. Jada Smith
Photo: p_c_w
Along with husband Will Smith the couple supports the Lupus Foundation, the Baltimore School For the Arts, and the Make-A-Wish Foundation through the Will and Jada Smith Family Foundation. Jada Smith is also a supporter of Power of Parents, Project Angel Food, and Youth Health Empowerment.
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It’s important to remember that many celebrities use their fame and fortune to support very good causes. Celebrities, despite any controversy or personal issues they may have, are very kind and generous to the world around them. Do you still think celebrities are rich and selfish?