Aging is a bitter pill for celebs to shallow. While many rely on costly lotions, potions and plastic surgery to defy time, a few celebs ignore Hollywood’s pressure to stay young, and let their wrinkles hang out. Here’s a list of 10 celebs who embrace good genes, healthful habits, and age with grace.
1. Susan Sarandon
Photo: David Shankbone
Susan Sarandon is 67 years old, but looking at her, you wouldn’t know it. The mother of three split with her partner, Tim Robbins, after 23 years and began dating her much younger business partner, Jonathan Bricklin, 34. It took Sarandon almost two years before she finally admitted to her romance with Bricklin. Fortunately, the 33-year age difference is not as noticeable because the Oscar-winning actress manages to hold her own with her vibrant smile and curly red locks.
2. Halle Berry
Photo: brava_67
Halle Berry’s beauty and youthfulness could rival those of actresses half her age. At 47 years old, the mother of two joked about “geriatric pregnancy” when she had her son, Maceo Martinez, at 46. Even after two pregnancies and nursing, Berry still has one of the best bodies in Tinseltown. The X-men actress works out four times a week and eats five small meals throughout the day to maintain a steady blood sugar level.
3. Salma Hayek
Photo: Jakob Montrasio
Salma Hayek is 46 years, but she doesn’t look a day over 30. The Mexican-born actress has flawless skin, which she attributes to her lack of morning hygiene. The actress admitted that she doesn’t wash her face in the morning but cleans her skin really well at night. Salma also credits her wrinkle-free skin to her line of beauty products.
4. Cindy Crawford
Photo: tommy japan
Cindy Crawford is 48 going on 20. The former supermodel said she cut back on the amount of makeup she wears because too much of it can make you look old. It’s a good thing she looks as great as she does since she publicly endorses a line of anti-aging products called Meaningful Beauty. Crawford maintains her shape by running, doing Pilates and following the Zone Diet.
5. Pierce Brosnan
Hollywood executives dropped Brosnan as James Bond when they felt he was too old for the part. Instead of retreating to some unknown part of the world, the actor saw the benefits and used his newfound freedom to start a new chapter in his life. In his recent role on the film, “A Long Way Down,” the 61-year old star looked dashing as ever.
Read also – 10 Celebs Who Are Older Than You Think
6. Jane Seymour
Jane Seymour’s bikini-clad body on the cover of Closer Weekly proves the actress is not your average 62-year old woman. The former Bond girl confesses that she doesn’t resort to extremes to maintain her youthful appearance. She exercises for one hour, three days a week, and swears by portion control as she doesn’t like to miss out on her favorite foods.
7. Demi Moore
Photo: David Shankbone
Demi Moore is fearless, determined, beautiful and still youthful at 51. The actress is not afraid to flaunt her toned body in tiny bikinis, but she’s not so vain as to stop her grey slivers from peeking through her long dark locks. The mom of three ended her 9-year marriage to Ashton Kutcher and began dating a restaurateur, Harry Morton, who is 20 years her junior. Moore maintains her youthful appearance by eating a clean diet.
8. Susan Lucci
There’s been a lot of debate surrounding Susan Lucci’s ageless appearance. At age 67, the “All My Children” star denies all rumors that she used plastic surgery to reinvent her youthful look. Instead, she credits her smooth glowing skin to diet, exercise and her age-defying skin care line, Youthful Essence.
9. Sigourney Weaver
Photo: David Shankbone
Sigourney Weaver is vocal about cosmetic surgery, saying, “Actors’ faces have to move.” She said her decision to age naturally is a personal one. She follows a strict skin care routine along with exercise to stay active. She is one of those who’s really aged gracefully.
10. Oprah
Photo: aphrodite-in-nyc
Oprah is open about her secret to staying young while growing old. She says it’s all about the attitude. People who love themselves and have something to offer the world never grow old. Well, I also believe that positivity is the key to a younger face and a longer life. Oprah radiates youth and we all see it.
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Both famous and ordinary people, especially women, run to extremes in order to look as fresh and young as possible. Plastic surgery may seem like the best option, but consider its disadvantages first. These famous women set a good example for us and inspire us to love ourselves the way we are, regardless of age. Do you think plastic surgery is the most effective way to look young in your 60s?