Mixing dating and finances can be a tricky business. It’s important to remember that dating is not a lifelong commitment even if you do live together. I’m going to outline a few ideas to help keep your dating relationship and finances from getting mixed up unnecessarily.

1. Do: Keep your own bank accounts

You might think it’s more convenient to share bank accounts. You might think that you’re planning a future together, so why not get an early start on saving money for your life together? While you are only dating, even if you are living together, it is vital that you keep your finances separate.

If paying bills from one account makes things easier, open one together for that purpose only. You think you’ll be together for a long time, but you never know what is going to happen in the future, so protect yourself and your finances.

2. Don’t: Divulge all financial information

You might want to let your boyfriend know how well off you are, but people are funny when it comes to money, and sometimes keeping information to yourself is worth it. If you are going to get a trust fund when you turn a certain age, you don’t need to let anyone else know that. It’s none of their business.

You don’t need to tell anyone else how much money you’ve saved up. Some people aren’t afraid to ask for money when they need it. If you have money, you might be asked or expected to pay for more dates and vacations simply because you’re better with your money.

3. Do: Split everything 50/50

When you’re dating someone, especially if you live together, it’s essential that you split all expenses equally. One person should not foot the bill for all dates, bills, and other expenses that you share. When one person ends up paying for everything, feelings can become bitter. It’s important to remember that you’re only dating and need to keep your job and financial security.

4. Don’t: Control each other’s finances

Dating someone does not give you control over their finances. You cannot tell your boyfriend to save money instead of buying video games. That’s his choice and his right. You can examine his financial habits and get an idea of what he’ll probably always be like with money.

Only you control your money. You don’t have to do what your boyfriend tells you because he thinks it’s better. He can make those better choices with his own money. As long as you’re both paying your share of everything, what you do with the leftovers is up to you as an individual.

Money is the number one thing that couples argue about. Don’t let money come between you and your boyfriend.