I think most people would like to stay young forever. While getting older is inevitable, you can still take some steps to keep you looking and feeling much younger than your years. Here are 18 effective ways on how to stay young.

1. Stay active

Staying active is one of the most effective ways to stay young. You can keep your body young with regular cardio exercise, like running or walking.

Dancing is also good cardio exercise, besides one of my favorites. Stay active and you will feel much younger than your age!

2. Drink less alcohol

Do you know that drinking alcohol cause premature aging? That’s why it is so important to drink responsibly!

It is shown that drinking a glass of red wine every day have great health benefits, but it is not recommended to drink heavily, because alcohol can affect your heart and damage or even destroy liver cells. If you still want to stay young you need drink less alcohol.

3. Don’t smoke

It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, smoking is a terrible habit to start and one of the most difficult habits to quit. It very quickly ages your body and appearance.

As opposed to non-smokers, smokers are much more likely to die an untimely death. If you want to stay young and look beautiful, you should forget about cigarettes.

4. Eat healthy

Everybody knows how eating certain foods can benefit our bodies. In order to keep your organs, such as your brain or heart, working properly, you need eat healthy. It’s one of the best ways to keep your body young and age gracefully.

5. Take vitamins

Do you take a daily multivitamin? Eating healthy and exercise regularly give your body lots of its daily nutrients, but you should always take a multivitamin to ensure your body is getting all it needs to stay healthy and young.

6. Drink water

Water is a vital source of life. Sometimes you don’t want to drink, but try to think about all great ways it can keep your body healthy and young.

Water is certainly the best thing you can do for your skin and body. It helps to prevent break outs and wrinkles. And that is one of the effective ways to stay young!

7. Take care of your teeth regularly

Dentures are always associated with older people. Do you agree? So if you don’t want wear a set of dentures, you should start taking better care of your teeth now. And don’t forget to take better care of your gums too.

8. Wash your face

You perhaps know that your face and your neck will age much faster than the rest of your body. But you might also know that proper skin care can help you look young for a long time. Wash your face and neck twice a day and don’t forget to use a good moisturizer.

9. Sunscreen

It’s not enough to wash and moisturize your face and neck. You need good sun protection. Bronze tan looks great now, but in several years this tan will turn your skin wrinkled and leathery.

To protect your skin from sun damage it’s recommended to apply sunscreen and reapply it as needed. You can get a warm golden glow with sunless tanner and make-up.

10. Read

Reading is another effective way to stay young. Try to read books frequently in order to keep your mind young. You can read for entertainment or just to educate yourself.

Read news and stay informed about what’s going on in the world around you. That will help also to improve your vocabulary.

11. Control stress

Stress is bad for your health and your body. Try to lower the stress in your life and increase the good if you want to stay young. By the way, how do you cut the stress from your life?

12. Laugh

I’m sure you know that a good sense of humor and laughter can keep you young forever. Have a good time with the people you love and make the most out of any situation, because laughing is one of the best ways to make you feel good and look younger.

13. Worry less

In our busy lives we often experience stress and worry nearly every day. We worry about financial concerns, our children, aging parents, and other problems.

Sometimes, we need to take action instead of worrying. Do what you think is right and move on. Try to worry less if you want to stay young.

14. Relax more

How do you usually relax? Let’s think about children. They are so young and they really know how to relax.

After a day of running around, my son likes to watch TV and relax lying upside down on the couch. Children know how to relax more and stress less and we need follow their lead.

15. Practise yoga

Yoga is one of the most effective ways to stay young. It has been proved scientifically that yoga is doing wonderful things for our bodies and helping the aging process. I really enjoy yoga and I’m going to do it for a very long time.

16. Exercise your brain

Just like the rest of your body, your brain ages too. You need keep your brain in a good working order. Reading can help a little, but you can do more. Challenge your brain. Learn a new language, or do a crossword puzzle or even a little Sudoku.

17. Love

Do you know that love can keep you young? Love your life and love the people you are with.

Love with your whole heart like you’ve never been hurt. Be pure in your feelings. Loving is the wonderful way to stay young. Here are some signs that you are in love)))

18. Have good friends

Keep only the positive and good friends. In our lives we often have people who seem to put us down all the time. Those people should disappear from your life. You don’t need critics or drama that only cause stress in your life and as you know you need stress less and relax more to live young.

Do you think these ways can help you to stay young? We can’t stop time, but we can do some important things to stay healthy, strong, and young.

What do you do to stay young? Do you have something to add? Share your thoughts, please!