Christmas is nearing and with each passing day, I panic a little more. I should be delighted since I love watching my sweet girls tear into their gifts. Though my husband is being a Grinch and has forbid me from buying them a Barbie Dreamhouse. So now begins my process of finding gifts he will not complain about that will not get strewn about their room like trash after a Spring Break party in Daytona.

Seems to me buying one big thing to keep them occupied would be the best move, but what do I know? When my eldest was small, I wrapped up a can of corn as a joke thinking that she would get angry and throw a fit. But she surprised us. She was so excited about this can of corn. “Oh a corn can! I love it! Can we eat it tonight?”

I am not sure if I should do that to her toddler sister though. It was only funny once, you know? So now, I am trying to come up with ideas for Christmas gifts for my own toddler and I am going to share my insights with you so that we all can have a Merry Christmas and sneak off to drink the wine that we bought ourselves as a gift. What? No judgment!

1.Crayola Magic Light Brush and Drawing Pad

My girls both love to draw and color. And while my older one is pretty good at it, the little one needs a bit of practice to be honest. I can’t tell if that is her daddy or a ghost vomiting up an ecto-cooler but I smile and praise her over it anyway.

This one looks like a great idea because it gives her more to paint and explore without messing up my walls or floors. I am often busy working while they color and I hesitate to buy paint for the mess factor. With this, I can keep working without hearing that dreaded “Moooooooom!” from upstairs.

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2. Foreign Language Blocks

Ok, as a mom with half-Chinese children, I am so in love with these beautiful blocks. They feature Mandarin or Spanish in addition to English to help your kids master their second language.

My husband painstakingly teaches the kids his native Mandarin every night and they love singing Chinese songs but these blocks will keep them building their language skills and be useful with their dolls too.

3. VTech KidiBeats Drum Set

It is a little bit noisy but there is a volume control. I know this because we had a bigger version of it when we lived in China and our eldest loved it. Every now and then a video of her playing on her drum set pops up on my Facebook memories and I love it. Musical toys are great for kids though, and my toddler loves singing so she could really make her own songs with this.

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4. Williams Sonoma Classic Apron

And now I will leave you with this gem. It is a gift for your toddler really because we already have them. My mom bought one for each of the girls last Christmas and not only are they darling in them but also the kids love them.

They will wear them to help me in the kitchen and while playing in their toy kitchen. If you kids loves cooking (or pretending to at least) a personalized apron is a really unique and special gift.

What will you buy your toddler for Christmas this year?