Getting your entire family off to school and work without a hitch can seem like a daunting task, especially when you need to do it five days a week. While you are bound to experience some hiccups from time to time, it is possible to set up a reliable morning routine.

Once you establish some efficient morning habits things can run quite smoothly. Here are some tips for creating a happy family morning routine.

1. Avoid using the snooze

Your morning routine can be thrown off when you are even a few minutes behind. That means you should avoid the snooze button at all costs as tempting as it may be. Disable the snooze feature on your alarm if it is possible.

2. Give everyone an alarm clock

Make sure everyone in the family has his or her own alarm. This spares one parent from having to awaken everyone in the house, which could lead to disaster if the single alarm fails.

3. Make breakfast grab and go

While Sunday is perfect for a long lazy brunch, weekday breakfasts are better served quickly. Choose breakfast options that are quick and can preferably be taken on the go if necessary. Make your lunches the night before as well, so all you need to do is take them from the fridge in the morning.

4. Choose outfits the night before

Picking out clothes can quickly eat up a lot of time in the morning as people with sleep still in their eyes try to choose garments that match. Instead of choosing outfits in the morning, take care of this task the night before.

5. Have a bathroom schedule

Chances are good that you have more people in your family than you do bathrooms. Have a schedule for who showers first, second, etc.

Find places in the home for people to do their hair and makeup that do not require being in the bathroom if you need to. This way, siblings will avoid fights and you will not need to calm them.

6. Pack your bags in advance

Assembling briefcases and backpacks is another way you might waste precious time in the morning. Take care of packing homework, laptops, and other important items the night before to spare yourself the scramble of looking for an important document in the morning.

7. Offer rewards

Offer your kids a reward at the end of the week if the morning routine runs smoothly all week. That means everyone needs to wake up on time, never fight over the bathroom, and be dressed and ready to go on time.

8. Leave extra time

Allow your family at least 15 minutes more than what you think you actually need. This allows for someone to oversleep, take a long shower, or just be running behind without causing the entire family to run late.

9. Make lists

Even the best mental list of morning tasks can be quickly forgotten when you are in a rush. Make detailed, written lists of anything you need to remember, such as packing a certain textbook or signed permission slip.

10. Get everyone involved

The entire family needs to be equally involved in order for your morning routine to remain smooth. Assign each family member with important items that relate to their routine.

Sharing the responsibility of getting everyone out the door makes your morning routine less stressful for everybody involved.

A solid morning routine may often be the result of trial and error. Sometimes you may need to try a few different schedules before you stumble upon just the right combination to keep everyone happy and on time.

With a joint effort, however, your morning does not need to be the most stressful part of your family’s day.