The one of the greatest holidays is approaching. We count days when Christmas comes and of course think of how to celebrate it. We all desire to have a magical and festive atmosphere around us, to have fun and, of course, be with our nearest and dearest.
If you haven`t decided a new extraordinary way to celebrate Christmas, I will try to help you. Look through this list and I hope you will find an ideal variant for you.
1. Shopping day
I don`t mean by that going into a store and spending the whole day there as well as all your money. Not at all. I will tell you the main principle and you may verify, change and adjust it to your company.
Go shopping with one or two people but set a certain limit of money each of you can spend. But don`t make it more than $20-30 as will be not very interesting then.
The goal is to spend all the money and buy as much things as you can. Wrap them as a gift and present to each other. You can make it in a form of a competition who will buy more or whose gift-set will be the best.
2. Make stockings
This entertainment is great for a noisy company. It is very easy to make stockings you just need to have all the materials and inclination. Patterns and ideas for decoration may be found online or invented by yourself. You can also choose to make stockings for each other.
Place them on the fireplace names attached according to tradition and wait for presents.
3. Holiday cartoons
Photocredit: alyona_black_alukard
Watching holiday cartoons was the most favorite activity for all of us when we were kids, wasn`t it? So it would be great to recollect those delightful feelings. Rewatch your favorites and let sweet memories of your childhood sweep you over.
Moreover, while watching you will have time to accomplish gift wrapping, cards or decorations.
4. Caroling
I bet you haven`t tried this. Gather a fair company of your family and friends, learn and rehearse a few Christmas songs and knock at your neighbor`s door. It is a great opportunity to make friends with the neighbors you don`t know yet.
On the contrary, if you are afraid to show up before your neighbors, you can choose an unfamiliar neighborhood and have fun.
5. Sleepover
Photocredit: cwlblog
Invite your family and friends to have a party at your place and stay for the night. You may choose to do some things together like decorating the living room and Christmas tree or baking. It is more inspiring and merry to do it together rather than to prepare everything yourself in advance.
After it you can have a heart-to-heart talk while enjoying delicious dishes and sweets you have just made. Add some warming drinks spiced with fair Christmas stories and the party will be just awesome.
6. Compile baskets with delicacies
Fill the baskets with food prepared at home, with baked sweets, candles and other Christmas attributes and deliver to a special establishment for homeless or battered people.
It is always more pleasant to give than to receive. And I`m sure a grateful smile will be the best reward for you.
Read also – 11 Easy and Cheap Christmas Crafts
7. Pot-luck dinner
Pot-luck dinner is such fun and at the same time you won`t have to spend the whole day in the kitchen as well. Invite your guests and ask to bring a dish with them. Your task is to follow what dishes you are going to have at your table.
Be attentive so you don`t miss main courses, side dishes or desserts. As you have more spare time you may concentrate on the decorations of the room and the service of the table.
8. Create ornaments
Photocredit: origamiblooms
In order to make it easier you can buy an ornament-making kit in a store around the corner or online. Follow the instructions and the result will be great. On the other hand, you can take advantage of the special classes offered by local craft stores.
You may involve your family or friends to join you. When you make ornaments, you reflect your own view on the old year and expectations from the new one.
9. Holiday décor
Photocredit: lamiacasaonetsy
This method is extremely easy and affordable. All you have to do is to take out all the cards you have received this year and the previous ones, tear them into halves and put aside those parts where the message is written.
Cut the pictures of cards in forms of leaves (or whatever you fancy) and arrange them on a large surface. It may be a wall, glass door or something.
10. Take in the decorated sights
Decorating your house inside and outside is a fantastic way to create a festive atmosphere and enjoy yourself. Traditionally, people use twinkling lights to decorate the house as well as wreaths and mistletoe. You can also see people placing reindeers and Santa in the front yard.
Read also – 10 Instant Ways to Boost Your Christmas Spirit
These are the possible variants how to celebrate Christmas, and you can bring them to life during the week before the actual day of the holiday. Feel free to combine them, mix, and add something new in order to have an unforgettable holiday! I think you may start many new Christmas traditions this season.