This is one of my favorite “healthy” breads. If you have taken a look through the yeast bread section of my recipe page, you will find that I am much more likely to make a maple ring or a carrot cake donut than a whole wheat bread. I am working on that….slowly. It’s not that I don’t enjoy good-for-me foods. They just aren’t as fun. I am working on that, too….slowly.

The recipe for this bread came out of a diet book. I wish I remembered which. Over the years, I have looked into just about every fad diet out there. That’s what libraries are for. After checking out the books, reading through the whys and wherefores of the diets, I would copy a few of the recipes and then check the book back in. It seems to work better for me to incorporate the good tasting recipes of many diet plans than to use one three week plan over and over and over. That is, when I do diet.

This bread? Well , I like it whether or not I am watching my weight, sugar, salt, fat or whatever intake. It is amazing with peanut or any other nut butter.

1. Info for Flax Wheat Bread

  • Cook Time: unavailable
  • Total Time: unavailable
  • Servings: unavailable
  • Calories: unavailable

2. Ingredients for Flax Wheat Bread

  • 1½ cups warm water
  • 1 cup white flour
  • 3 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 Tbsp oil
  • 3 Tbsp honey
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 Tbsp + 1 tsp yeast

3. Directions:

  1. In a large mixing bowl, dissolve yeast in water.
  2. Add the oil, honey and salt.
  3. Add 1 cup whole wheat flour, flax meal and white flour.
  4. Beat with a dough hook in a mixer or by hand.
  5. Add remaining wheat flour and knead thoroughly.
  6. Let rise in a warm place until double in bulk.
  7. Punch down and shape into a loaf and let rise in a greased loaf pan.
  8. Bake 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until done.
  9. Remove from pan, brush the top with a healthy oil/fat/butter.