There are many tasty foods not only for weight loss but also for looking and feeling great! Many people think that if you want to lose weight you have to give up tasty food and walk around starving all day. However, it’s not truth! I’ve got 8 foods for weight loss that taste great and won’t build up calories. I’m sure, you’ll love them all!
1. Goji Berries
Goji Berries are one of my favorite tasty foods for weight loss! They have high protein content, and it’s a fantastic mid-day snack to help curb hunger and provide you energy all day long. Goji berries are also high in antioxidants and Vitamin A that have anti-aging properties.
2. Avocados
Avocado is another food for weight loss that taste great and won’t build up calories. The fats in avocados are good for you and your heart. Just a few slices of avocados will help you stay full longer throughout the day and they also have high fiber and protein content!
Read also – 7 Seeds That Will Help You Lose Weight
3. Grapefruit
If you’re of those people who don’t like grapefruit, you should like it, because it can help you to slim down! Grapefruits are high in water, fat-burning enzymes and help lower cholesterol. Make grapefruit your go-to snack and watch how those pounds melt.
Read also – 7 Most Interesting Facts about Grapefruit
4. Almonds
Almond is another tasty food for weight loss that really good for your health. Whole almonds and almond milk are great for weight loss and health alike. It gives you an energy boost, regulate cholesterol and helps with brain development. To be slim and smart eat a handful of almonds as one of your mid-day snacks every day!
Read also – 7 Healthy Sandwiches for Weight Loss You Should Definitely Try
5. Lentils
Lentils are definitely a weight loss tasty food, which are easy to prepare and which are also filled with heart healthy fiber, iron for energy and help stabilize blood sugar. You can prepare lentil soup which keeps you feeling full throughout the day or you can add lentils on salads or just toss them in with noodles and vegetables.
Read also – 7 Foods that Put Your Metabolism on High Speed to Burn Fat Faster
6. Bananas
Bananas are another one tasty food for weight loss. I like how portable and delicious these fruits are and they are fantastic great as a mid-day snack. Bananas are filled with fiber and they give you a boost of energy. They can also help you with cramps and a mood boost.
Read also – 7 Amazing Benefits of Bananas
7. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is another weight loss tasty food that I didn’t expect to see on this list! Milk chocolate is great but dark chocolate has more benefits. Dark chocolate provides plenty of healthy antioxidants, minerals and helps you feel fuller longer!
Read also – 8 Great Reasons Dark Chocolate Is Good for You
8. Cheese
Goat and Feta cheeses are both tasty food for weight loss. They’re low in calories and sodium, high in protein and contain fat burning properties. Sprinkle one of these delicious cheeses on salads or soups for a great kick!
Now you know all 8 foods for weight loss that taste great and won’t build up calories. Even if you don’t love one of these foods, just try to mix them with foods you like or try preparing it in a nontraditional way!