I’m strongly convinced that habits make an integral part of our daily life. As we get older we adopt different habits that determine the outcome and quality of our life. That is really true since our actions and decisions are directly dependent on our habits.

These are patterns of behavior that we do every day without even realizing it. That’s why it is essential to improve our habits and make them good ones. Now when I’m almost a 30-year-old person, I often reflect upon my life and analyze my behavior in order to understand where I am, what I’ve reached, and what should be done to fulfill my dreams and desires.

There are no perfect people in this world and I’m no exception. Considering the fact that I have some bad habits which prevent me from achieving the desired results and bring discomfort to my life, I’ve made up my mind to get rid of them and adopt a few good habits before I hit 30.

I’m sure they will make me a more successful, satisfied, and happy person. Certainly, I have to work hard to adopt these habits but they will assist me to move towards my goals. Due to this, I’ve created a list of habits and behaviors I should cultivate every single day of my life.

1. The Habit of Setting Goals

The first thing I want to learn before I hit 30 is setting goals on a daily basis since this great habit is the key to my success. Recently, I’ve understood that it’s impossible to achieve even the smallest results without a clear vision of my goals and tasks. That’s why I’ve made it a rule to write down all my plans and goals for the day every morning.

This method helps me to control everything I’ve done and what I should accomplish throughout the day. While setting your goals, always keep in mind that they should be specific, meaningful but at the same time achievable. We can also set our goals for a week, month, or even for a year.

Read also – 9 Things to Do to Stay Inspired and Achieve All Your Goals

2. The Habit of Time Management

I should admit that wise management of time is something I really lack in my life and it is important to me to become more organized and manage my time effectively. Being a busy person I have lots of things to do every day. Unfortunately, I can’t cope with all of them for 24 hours.

As a result, I get frustrated and feel unsatisfied with my performance. To avoid this I need to focus on the most important tasks and stop trying to grasp everything at once.

Creating lists of tasks for the day is a perfect way to stay organized and allocate time for something that matters to you. It should be mentioned that some bad habits like excessive watching TV, surfing the Internet, and procrastination may be harmful to our time management and self-discipline either. Therefore, we should work hard to eliminate them from the list of our daily routines.

3. The Habit of Learning All the Time

Do you know that all successful people always learn and improve their knowledge and skills in their sphere of activity? It’s extremely difficult to become the best in your field and get advancement in your career without learning and improvement. That is the major reason I’d like to adopt the habit of learning.

Every day I spend about 1 hour learning something new that is related to my job. For example, reading specialized newspapers, magazines and books is an incredible way I use to educate and promote myself in the sphere I work at.

4. The Habit of Getting Enough Sleep

Being constantly short of time we forget to pay attention to those things that are crucial for us. And our sleep is one of them. If we don’t get enough sleep, its deficiency will certainly affect our physical and mental health.

Personally, I suffer from sleep deprivation since I can’t complete all my work in time, and subsequently, I usually stay up late. After that, getting up early in the morning is real torture for me. I can surely say that lack of healthy sleep spoils my mood, decreases my work efficiency, and influences the overall quality of my life.  Accordingly, I’ve decided to cultivate a new habit of getting enough sleep no matter how busy I am.

When I sleep at least 7 hours each night, my body rests and recharges, receiving new energy for the next day. The advantages of regular sleep are enormous. It helps to improve our memory, stay healthy, boost our creativity, look beautiful and even avoid being overweight. Aren’t these sound reasons for us to sleep more?

Read also – 10 Great Reasons to Sleep No Matter How Busy You Are

5. The Habit of Leading a Healthy Lifestyle

Surely, health is the greatest treasure that anyone can own. Without health, we won’t be able to become happy and successful. Our health can’t be bought even for huge sums of money.

It is priceless. Consequently, it is necessary for us to acquire as many healthy habits as possible. By developing these habits we set ourselves for happiness and success.

What are the basic steps that make me closer to a healthy lifestyle? First of all, I try to stick to a healthy diet rich in minerals, vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients that are beneficial for my body. Plus, I never skip my breakfast as it is a big source of energy all day long.

I always bear in mind that eating late at night is ruinous to my waistline. The second thing I need to do to stay healthy is to do regular physical exercises that will help keep me fit and young. Finally, I must adopt a habit of rest. All these things will assist us to live a healthy and long life.

6. The Habit of Staying Positive and Optimistic

It has been proven that a positive attitude to what is happening around us makes wonders. When we are optimistic, we can overcome all the obstacles on our life path. It’s not a secret that everything starts in our heads. Hence, it is vital for me to increase my optimism level in order to feel more comfortable in any difficult situation.

Our life mostly depends on our expectations. If we expect to be miserable and unlucky, we will definitely be. Perhaps you don’t believe this, but our thoughts and expectations sooner or later become material. So, I do my best to stay positive and never give up whatever happens.

To my mind, these habits are essential for me and if I manage to adopt them before I hit 30, it will be much easier to achieve my goals and improve the quality of my life. What habits do you have? How do they influence your personality? Do you want to cultivate any other habits in the future?