Some phobias make total sense while others simply appear to be so odd! On the off chance that you have an awful fear or phobia, is yours on this list somewhere?

1. The Facts Behind Our Most Common Phobias Revealed

2. Afraid Of The Dark?

3. 20 Phobias That Can Ruin Your Life

4. Literary Phobias

5. Lachanophobia

6. A-Z List Of Phobias

7. 25 Most Bizarre Phobias

8. Clinophobia

9. Aulophobia

10. 10 Most Common Phobias

11. What The Duck?!

12. You Are Awesome!

13. 25 Uncommon Phobias

14. Irony, Defined

15. Is It Creepy?

16. Your Phobias Illustrated

17. Caligynephobia

18. Phobophobia

19. DNA?

20. Is It Fear Or Phobia?

21. Acerophobia

22. Each State’s Most-Searched Phobia

23. Iatrophobia

24. Didaskaleinophobia