Have you ever heard about weird jewellery myths and wonder if they’re true or not? In fact, there are many popular myths about jewellery out there that are not true at all! I’ve got a list of a few jewellery myths that I’ve heard and don’t believe because I did a lot of research to find out the truth.

1. Diamonds are indestructible

It’s not true, but a diamond can actually scratch another diamond. Diamonds have been known to crack or chip if they are not cared for well, therefore, extra care is always required if you want to see your diamonds last. Cleaning diamonds often is advised.

2. Gold has 3 different colors

In a jewellery store, you are often told that gold comes in several colors: yellow, white, and rose. But it’s not actually true! Pure gold is yellow in color, and mixing some other compounds in with it creates a colored gold. Even if rose or white gold is quite valuable, it’ll never be true and pure gold.

3. Bite gold to test its authenticity

Most of us have heard this common jewellery myth. Pure gold is soft and if you bite hard enough it’ll possible to leave teeth marks in it. But a lead is soft as well, and some people paint a lead with the color of gold and sell it as a false gold. So never rely on this method for testing the authenticity of gold!

4. Diamonds are the rarest stone

There are some of the colored diamonds that can be rare and extremely difficult to find. However, diamonds are not the rarest stone. If you don’t believe, you must check out the Guinness Book of World Records, where you would find out that the rarest gem of all is the painite.

5. Vinegar can dissolve a pearl

There’s a bit of truth in this jewellery myth, but it’d take a really long time for vinegar to dissolve pearls, and pearls must be crushed. So in hindsight, it’s partly true, but nothing to concern yourself with, unless you want to dissolve crushed pearls!

6. Opals bring people only bad luck

In early times, the Romans believed the opals brought a big fortune and carried them as a good luck charm. As the years passed by, the opals became a symbol for bad luck and misfortune! Nowadays we know them to be a precious stone. And a black opal is a very rare treasure!

7. The value of diamond is based on color

All diamonds are valuable, but some people consider the blue diamond to be the highest in value. And while it’s a very precious stone, the color is not the only thing that determines a diamond’s value! When determining a diamond’s value, you should take into consideration several things like carat weight, clarity, etc.

Have you ever heard these myths about jewellery? Do you know any other myths? Share your thoughts, please!