If you are a bridesmaid and you want to have a perfect make-up, then the following recommendations are exactly for you. Follow these tips and you will avoid the most common make-up mistakes. Sometimes bridesmaids have not good-looking make-up. While it’s always a good idea to hire a make-up artist for your wedding day, you can look gorgeous without spending a fortune.
1. Use a primer
First of all you should start your make-up with a foundation. You don’t need to use it every day but no doubt for the wedding it will be a very useful thing. What is the purpose of a primer? A primer lets your make-up look fresh for longer time. And you can put it more smoothly. Primers provide you a perfect make-up even when you move actively, for example, dancing at a wedding. One more advantage of a primer is that all the defects on your skin will be almost invisible and you will look perfectly on photos.
2. Use the right foundation
Try not to do experiments on the day of wedding. Use the foundation which you already know and used before and which is perfect for your skin. In case you don’t have any idea about good foundation you may want to go to any make-up store. There you will get some pieces of advice. Don’t be shy to ask about everything. Be careful while choosing a foundation. It must hide all the flaws of your skin during the whole day and night.
3. Pay attention to the center of your face
Bridesmaids should be particular about the center of the face while doing make-up, since sometimes women have problems with this zone. For instance, such parts of face as forehead, nose, between eyebrows can shine when there is a bright flash of camera. In such case your face will not look unsurpassed. To prevent such effect on your face you must apply some powder on it. If you have some blotting papers in your bag it will be easier to keep the skin of your face matte. You can use them at every possible opportunity. So I can definitely say that this step in doing make-up is very important. If you do everything correctly you will look amazing during all night and your photos will be brilliant.
4. Focus on your brows
Brows take a very important part in your make-up, especially if you don’t want to wear make-up. If you decide to do make-up yourself, I suggest you to do a professional grooming of your brows. Remember you should do that a week before the wedding day. If you made a decision to buy an eyebrow pencil, don’t forget that it must not be dark. The best variant will be the same shade as your hair.
Read also – 10 Must-Know Tips for Grooming Your Eyebrows
5. Choose long-lasting eye shadows
You should be careful when choosing the color of eye shadow. You should not be too bright. Better for you will be to use a neutral color. Avoid using such colors as purple and dark blue. You will look out of fashion with these colors. If to speak about eye liner the best choice will be a soft black or light brown color.
6. Use a lip stain
Lip stain is very important in bridesmaids’ make-up. It will provide your lips with long-lasting and fresh color for the whole night. You can eat and drink but your lips’ color will not fade. If a lip stain is matte but you prefer more shining then colorless gloss on top is a right choice.
7. Mascara
It’s impossible to have a perfect look on photos without using mascara. When you work on your eyes you should finish with mascara. It will complete your make-up. The best color is dark black, but you can use any mascara you like. Just don’t overdo it. You should have a natural look on your wedding day.
Read also – 10 Reasons to Hire a Makeup Artist for Your Wedding Day
We all use make-up in everyday life. But when speaking about wedding day it should be special and perfect. It is very important that your bridesmaid should feel comfortable with the make-up. Try to avoid too much cosmetics. Do you have any tips for bridesmaids? Share them please!