Whether you are on a tight budget or have plenty of money to spend and save, there is no sense in spending your hard-earned cash on anything less than a bargain.

Several items that you may purchase without forethought are actually costing you extra money that you do not need to spend. Stop buying these useless things today and keep your cash in your pocket.

1. Extended warranties

Whenever you purchase electronics or appliances, the store clerk will probably try to sell you an extended warranty. Since most products come with a warranty already in place and do not normally break down during the period covered by the extended warranty, save your money and take your chances.

2. Expensive hot drinks

While grabbing a latte, coffee or cappuccino from a nearby coffee shop may brighten your morning, the cost of doing it every day adds up quickly. A drink that costs $4 will cost you $1,460 per year if you buy one every day. Learn how to make your favorite hot drink at home and stop filling the pockets of overpriced coffee joints.

3. Individual magazine issues

When there are magazines that you buy every month, resist the urge to pick them up in the store. You will save considerable money by subscribing to magazines that you buy regularly.

Buying 12 issues of a magazine per year at $5 per issue will cost you $60 annually. A year’s subscription to the same magazine may only cost you $10 to $20 per year and brings the magazine directly to your doorstep.

4. Snack-sized food products

Never waste your money buying snack-sized servings of chips and sweets. Purchase larger packages of snacks instead and bag them up into individual serving sizes that you can stick in your lunchbox or purse. You pay considerably more for the same amount of food when you buy single-size servings instead of a larger quantity.

5. Previously prepared food

Once again, when you purchase food that has been previously prepared in some way, you pay considerably more for the convenience. Instead of purchasing a salad mix of lettuce that is already washed cut into pieces, save your money, buy a head of lettuce and wash and chop it up yourself.

6. Brand name products

Without exception, store brand and off brand products cost less than those with a recognizable brand name. Realize that you’re paying for advertising and packaging when you purchase brand name products. Store brand goods often taste just as good as brand name products but come at a considerable savings.

7. Disposable batteries

Each time you purchase disposable batteries, you know that they will eventually end up in the trash. This never-ending cycle costs you lots of money. Buy rechargeable batteries instead and simply pop them into the charger each time they run out of juice.

8. Bottled water

If you are old enough, you probably remember a time when no one would have dreamed of paying money for bottled water. Nowadays, however, consumers give little thought to picking up a case of water at the store when they are doing their weekly shopping. Buy an insulated cup or bottle instead and fill it with ice and tap water before you leave the house to save money.

9. Cars

While it may be unthinkable at first, consider whether or not you really need to purchase a car. Many people live quite happily unencumbered by an automobile. If you live in an area where public transportation is reliable and available, you can save what you would pay for car payments, gasoline and car insurance and use it for other purposes.

10. Cigarettes

While everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health, many smokers do not consider how costly it is. Quit buying cigarettes to save a huge amount of money. Even purchasing one pack of cigarettes per day at a cost of $6 per pack will cost you $2,190 per year. A two-pack-per-day habit can cost you $4,380 per year or more.

Saving money does not have to mean painful deprivation. Simply ceasing to buy overpriced items is an effective way to decrease your financial output and keep more money available to allow you to meet your financial goals.