Dear readers of, we’ve got amazing news for you this week! Nurse Bridgid recently joined as a contributing health writer! Bridgid is a passionate writer, a certified Personal Trainer and an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse in Critical Care. She lives and works in a large teaching hospital in Boston, MA. Bridgid promotes a healthy lifestyle and she helps people live a healthy lifestyle and avoid or healthfully manage different diseases.

As a certified Personal Trainer, Bridgid has many years experience in helping people drop weight, improve their health and live a happier life. She enjoys exercising in her free time with her fiancé and two dogs, and she loves to make healthier versions of most comfort foods that we all love.

Bridgid will help you make healthier food choices, feel and look healthier, avoid numerous diseases, and overall live a healthier and happier life! Enjoy reading her articles and don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section!

Check out:

Changing Skin Care: Tips for All Seasons

The Best Part of Fall? Improving Diet and Nutrition with Fall Veggies