If you have a plethora of your own tips and tricks and you want to write interesting and helpful articles for our readers, you need to follow a few important rules:
- Your article must be absolutely unique and original. The articles that have already been published online or elsewhere will be rejected.
- Your article must not contain pornography and vulgar materials, profanity, religious and racial intolerance, insults, political issues and crime. We are happy to publish the articles, which contain positive things, useful tips, helpful ways, your life stories and your own travel experiences.
- Your article must not contain advertising info, press release, sales letter, hype and self-promotion.
- Your article must be no less than 700 words.
- Write in your own voice. Remember, you are writing for readers, so make sure you address them.
- Feel free to add your own thoughts.
- We reserve the right to edit your article, if needed.
- We do not pay for your article, but we publish your short bio and social links.
- Please include your short bio (not more than 100 words) with social media links and your real photo. The submission with a fake photo will be declined.
We ensure that we read and respond to all submissions, even when the article is rejected. Please submit one post at a time. By submitting to Amerikanki you acknowledge that we have full rights license for all content posted on Amerikanki.
We appreciate all thoughts of authors and we are thankful for all your tips and tricks that might help others live a happier and healthier life. Every person has the power to make this world a better place to live in; you can volunteer and help people in need, you can help animals in your community, or you can write an inspirational article and make someone’s day. Even if you’ve never tried to write articles, try to do it today and who knows, you might help someone and not even know it, or you might get positive comments that will make your day in return.
To submit your article, please email us info@amerikanki.com