Every responsible dog owner knows that it is essential to walk their four paw friend twice a day regardless of weather conditions, mood and well-being. Unfortunately, many people are always busy, and they often lack time to spend quality time with their pets.

There is a way out of the situation. Just combine dog walking and jogging to get the best of both ​worlds. Your dog will not say ‘no,’ but on the contrary, he will jog with you with great joy and pleasure. Here is how to make jogging with your dog, interesting and effective.

1. Make sure your dog is healthy

Before you decide to jog with your dog, make sure he is strong, healthy and enduring enough to run without stopping. If you want to get an answer to this question, you should visit the vet for a check-up.

Veterinarians say that it is not desirable to run on a regular basis for dogs under 18 months of age. Running on hard surfaces can have a detrimental effect on the growth and health of your dog’s bones.

2. Choose a comfortable dog leash

Jogging with your dog is a challenging process because even smart and obedient dogs can easily shift the focus from jogging to something else due to the influence of conditioned reflexes and other things.

If you want to make your jogging effective, invest in a high-quality dog leash to control your pet’s actions and suppress his desire to chase cats.

I jog with my dog regularly, and I can say that it is more comfortable to use short leashes. If you find it difficult, then choose a leash system that will give you an opportunity to lead the dog and keep your hands free.

3. Teach your dog basic commands

A leash is not the only tool that can help you control your dog’s behavior. Your dog is an extremely clever and sensitive creature that can easily understand what you say and feel. Before you start jogging, teach your dog basic commands.

Regular communication will strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Your pet will catch the meaning of your words at once and behave properly. You will have an opportunity to focus on your own thoughts and enjoy the process of jogging instead of struggling with a disobedient dog.

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4. Do not feed your dog before jogging

Every experienced jogger knows that eating before a run is a bad idea. Though a dog’s digestive system is a little bit different than human’s, it is also not recommended to feed your dog before active physical activities. Otherwise, there is a high probability that your pet will throw up everything it has eaten before the run.

Plus, veterinarians say that it is also not desirable to feed your pet nutrient-dense food right after the run because the dog’s digestive system is not ready for active work. From time to time, you can give your dog treats to stimulate his interest in jogging.

5. Take some water

Sip water while jogging to prevent dehydration and improve your sports performance. When you are going for a jog with your dog, take water for both of you. Sipping water will help you quench your thirst and quickly cool down after a run.

Do not forget to give your dog to drink at least a few gulps of water. Your pet needs to replace water lost during the run as well. It is recommended only to drink when you are really thirsty.

6. Start from short distance jogging

Almost all dogs adore running and active games. It may sound strange, but dogs find sprinting easier rather than long-distance running. You should regard this peculiarity with understanding and increase your running distance gradually.

Step by step, you will be able to increase the pace and distance. Whether it is cold or warm outside, you should warm up properly. Consider playing various games that require physical activity.

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7. Let your dog run off leash

Freedom is like oxygen for both human beings and animals. If you walk your dog on a leash all the time, sooner or later, he will feel unhappy and limited. Do not make your pet feel like a prisoner. You should build your jogging route through the areas, where you can release your dog and let it fly like the wind.

Do not fear that your dog will run away and turn your jogging into torture. On the contrary, his eyes will sparkle with joy and happiness. Over time, your dog will get used to jogging and learn to jog with you off-leash.

If you follow these little pieces of advice, then jogging with your four-paw friend will bring you only pleasure, health benefits and positive emotions. How often do you run with your dog?