Realistically speaking, pet birds make the best companions. Most birds, almost all are amazing vocalists. In addition, they are fantastic pets to own because unlike cats and dogs, they are easier to feed and maintain. Pet birds also present very likeable personalities and are also a primary source of both affection and company.
Have you ever wondered what kind of pet birds are best for you? Below is a list of the top 10 best pet birds that can provide every woman with wonderful companionship and entertainment.
1. Canary
Yellow in color, the canary has quite long life and can live up to 15 years. This type of bird provides great entertainment with its songs. It is possible to keep a single bird comfortably in its cage. You are only required to do basic cage cleaning activities and provide food and water for the bird. What you need to know is that a canary does not entertain a one-on one interaction with humans. This implies that if you have children in your house, a canary may not be the best idea for a pet bird.
2. Society finches
The society finches require to be kept in pairs. They make great pet birds and are available for acquisition at your local pet store. Unlike the canary, a finch is less noisy and is easier to maintain as it is a low-mess bird. An ideal cage for the pet bird would be the one that is roomy and horizontally shaped which can allow them to fly and move around. Just like any other pet, they need regular cleaning of their cage and provision of food and water. The average life of this bird is 7 years.
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3. Budgies
Native to Australia, this wonderful pet parrot is normally referred to as parakeet by the Americans. It is a tiny bird that is both delicate and gentle. The budgie is suitable to older women as any mishandling of the bird can lead to its injury. Therefore keep the bird away from younger playful children. The bird can make for a great pet friend if you take your time to tame it and actually interact with it. The bird has a low volume noise although it can chatter loudly depending on how you train it. An advantage of the budgie is that it can talk. The bird requires veterinary care. You are therefore advised not to keep one if you cannot take it to the veterinary for check-up at specified intervals. It is a playful bird and requires constant interaction including toys.
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4. Bourke’s parakeet
Photo: DianesDigitals
Slightly bigger than a budgie, this is another sweet and beautiful parrot from Australia. Although it is still small with an average adult length of about 7.5 inches long, these birds require taming as they tend to fly around more often. It is recommended that you get a wider cage so that it can have adequate space to fly around. Additionally, spare some time so that you can interact with the bird. The pet bird requires daily cleaning plus a regular supply of fresh vegetables. It has a life span of about 15 years.
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5. Peach-faced lovebird
With a life expectancy of up to 20 years, these lovebirds are challenging to handle and are almost similar to parrots in appearance. They are small birds and measure 6.5 inches long. The peach-faced lovebird comes in various color mutations and is extremely playful. You will always find it in trouble the minute you get your eyes off it. Extremely playful birds, you need to install perches on their cage, ensure regular cleaning and daily one-on-one play time. They are known to be a little bit territorial so you may need to familiarize yourself on how to deal with that.
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6. Cockatiel
The Cockatiel is a beautiful pet bird. The bird will exhibit different behavioral characteristics depending on whether it is male or female. A female tends to be more cuddly and docile and may even lay eggs. On the other hand, the male can be very vocal. They possess a very long tail which makes part of their body and adds to a total of 13 inches long! Thus, they take up a lot of space and require a large cage. They are dusty birds and need to be given a misty bath once or twice a week. Cockatiels require taming and have a life expectancy of 30 years.
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7. Pacific parrotlet
These are small birds which measure approximately 5 inches long. Unlike other birds in this list, the Pacific parrotlet is not available in most stores. Therefore, if you find one, the price might be a little exorbitant. The bird requires cleaning and feeding on a daily basis. Where possible, spare some one-on-one playtime with it. Toys, perches and a play gym are necessary for you to get most out of your pet. With a lifetime of 20 years, the fearless birds love to eat a lot and are curios and aggressive.
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8. Diamond dove
Measuring a length of about 11 inches, the dove loves to be company of other doves. It requires taming so that it is comfortable around humans. Whereas the Diamond dove may not require a one-on-one play with humans, it is better off kept in a cage with plenty of space to move around. In addition, a lot of perches need to be installed and some flat, high surfaces that the bird can roost on. The dove can live up to 15 years.
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9. Goldie’s lorikeet
Photo: Toats Master
This multicolored bird has a calm demeanor and requires less maintenance as compared to other birds. It measures approximately 7.5 inches long. They have a low noise level and are curious and sometimes chatty. Its dietary requirement is different from other birds as it feeds on nectar. This is why any person who wants to acquire this bird must be aware of this fact. They have a life expectancy of 7 years. Further, the birds are costly as they are hard to find. They require a spacious cage complete with several perches.
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10. African grey parrot
The African grey parrot is among the world’s smartest pet birds available. It is a genius bird that is suited for those women with slightly older children. Their intelligence is almost at par with that of a six year old child. In essence, this means the bird can master words and speak them in context-not just repeating them. On the flip side, they can get very bored when they are not indulged in play. They require regular maintenance and supply of food.
The truth about successful rearing of pet birds is that you can bring them in when they are still young. It is not a daunting process to train them because you actually get to understand their overall behavior and the dos and the don’ts while dealing with them.
Below, we have compiled a list of the most interesting questions about pet birds:
What is the friendliest bird to have as a pet?
Budgerigars are the friendliest birds to have in the home. This is especially important if children live in the house. This breed of parrots is very sociable, willingly learns to talk, and likes to sit on the owners’ shoulders, arms, or head. Therefore, a friendlier and more pleasant pet cannot be found.
What is the easiest pet bird to take care of?
The canary is the easiest pet bird to take care of. Caring for them can be entrusted even to a child. Firstly, The bird does not need to be walked. Therefore, leaving it at home alone for 2-3 days is not a problem, providing it with food and water. Secondly, the cage takes up little space, and cleaning is simple. As a result, under reasonable conditions and a balanced diet, they practically do not get sick and give the owner a minimum of trouble.
What is the best bird for companionship?
Kakariki Parrots are the best birds for companionship. They love to play and prefer to do it in the company. Parrots can be kept singly or in pairs, but a single bird will need a lot of attention, especially if you want your parrot to become tame.
Are birds loyal to their owners?
The canary is loyal to their owners, as they are so calm, quickly get used to the person, and are not afraid of hands. Other highly loyal birds are Goldfinches. They are so friendly and curious, easy to train, and unpretentious.
What is the most fun bird to own?
Finches are the most fun bird to own. It’s a small, bright, hilarious bird that will quickly get used to the owners. But, unfortunately, you cannot call these birds songbirds: they make different sounds, far from melodic.