Just because you aren’t dating anyone now that Valentine’s Day is around the corner, doesn’t mean that you should rush out to find Mr./Ms. Adequate (because Mr./Ms. Perfect seems to be nowhere in sight!) You’re smart because you don’t want to settle for anything less than you deserve, or you are just focused on your own goals and priorities and don’t really have time for any nonsense and dating; that’s great, and don’t let pressures form others (your family/mother) try to make you feel any differently! So, why is it better to be single on this upcoming “holiday”?
1. You will be saving a lot of time
Between either doing your hair, or getting it done (if you are more like me and a mess when it comes to doing anything beauty wise yourself), shaving your legs, then getting a manicure (and possible pedicure), and putting on makeup…that’s a whole days work! Wouldn’t you rather spend a day doing what you want? I would. We have so little free time these days, wouldn’t to be great to have a day (and night) to yourself that you can do whatever you choose (even if that is to primp yourself, you are doing it for you!)
2. You will have more fun
Going on a forced date just for Valentine’s Day can be absolutely horrible and awkward. I am pretty certain that a night of being alone and waxing my legs would be more exciting. Whether you choose to spend your night with other single friends out on the town, having a dinner party, or alone giving yourself a face mask and watching a Lifetime movie (or whatever you favorite show is), you will definitely be having a better time than being on a date that you know isn’t gong to be your ideal Valentine’s date!
3. You don’t have to get creative
Isn’t it a relief that you don’t have to get creative and think about what your date might be planning, and what you can come up with to be thoughtful, sweet, and romantic all in one gesture? That is always a huge weight off of my shoulders! Some of us put more pressure on ourselves than others, and even if you feel that you should be showered with gifts and lavished on Valentine’s, you still do need to make some sort of romantic overture to reciprocate, right? As a singleton, you can scratch that off the list. Phew!
4. You won’t have to buy a new outfit
I should say, you won’t have to buy a new outfit or find something amazing in your closet that you aren’t sure that you have! People seem to treat Valentine’s dressing akin to New Year’s Eve these days and really step it up a notch and get really dressed up! The good news? You can buy a killer pair of shoes or outfit that you’ve been wanting as a treat for yourself, you won’t be doing it for a date that you aren’t totally interested in either!
5. You can save yourself the let down
Have you ever been on a date that you would’ve rather chewed off your arm than continued fake smiling and pretending to be interested in the other person? Imagine that not just for drinks, but for dinner too…and then at to that the pressure of Valentine’s romance? No thank you! Even dinner at a 5-star restaurant is not worth that torture. Doing dinner with a single friend or a group of friends, or even sitting alone doing a crossword, would be the preference there!
Read also – 8 Little Sweet Gestures to Make on Valentine’s Day
6. You can save your fake “this is wonderful” act
There is nothing worse than someone making a grand overture of romanticism, something they planned that they thought you would love…and either you are allergic to the chocolate covered whatever they got, you despise the smell of roses, or the restaurant they took you to gave you food poisoning the last time, so your stomach is churning even walking through the door. Whatever the big surprise is, it is a surprise to you that they thought you would like it. Well, guess what? You can hide your “This is amazing, no, I DO love it!” act! How great is that? It’s worth it’s weight in gold, to me!
7. You don’t have to worry about if you should get a gift
So many women feel like this is a woman’s holiday and they should be getting all the love and pampering, which is totally great, and I accept any and all pampering I should get, but don’t you feel a little twinge of guilt if you don’t get a present for them? I do. I tend to do something really thoughtful, either make something, or get something, but I always worry if it is too much or not enough… I don’t want them to ever feel like I did something and they have to pretend they like it either (see #6).
8. You will spare your waistline
Think of all of those calories you will be sparing yourself by not having a big dinner and all of those chocolates/desserts! And maybe with your extra time from not having to prepare for a big date (see #1) you can fit in a great workout which will make you feel even better about yourself! And maybe even make a healthy and yummy meal to top off the day!
9. You will wake up on February 15th feeling great!
You are single, and many people in relationships that are in ruts are very envious of you, so enjoy every second of your singleness and make Valentine’s Day about celebrating and loving yourself!
Read also – 15 Creative and Romantic Valentine’s Day Ideas
Have you ever been on the losing end of a horrible Valentine’s date? That is enough to turn anyone off from a not-so-enthusiastic V-Day date! The winners at Valentine’s Day are the ones that get to spend the day they want to and not stuck on some dreadful date. And who knows, you may be out pampering yourself and it just so happens that cupids little bow and arrow lead you right to THE one! Stranger things have happened, haven’t they?