Many of us have a basic understanding of writing concepts, but we tend to learn how to be better writers. How can a book club improve our writing skills? One of the main things is that you don’t get failed or passed for your opinions. The other thing is that you can learn about writing and readers. Here are 5 reasons book club can improve your writing skills.

1. It exposes you to books you had never read

Murakami’s dreamlike book about self-identity, flow, marriage, family relationships, fantasy, and water isn’t something I had found on my own. Without my book club, I had never learned how this author handled complicated plot, themes, voice, characterization, symbolism, and tone! I also learned the significance of applying those techniques to my writing.

2. It encourages you to express thoughts about writing and reading

Joining a book club can encourage you to express your ideas and thoughts about writing and reading. Noticing a scene or phrase that works is one thing, but expressing how and why it works is another! Explaining why something works can improve your writing skills by fixing it much more firmly in your mind.

3. It inspires and energizes you

I’ve had 2 years to develop the habit to take notes during book club meetings. I like listening to my fellow readers’ ways of speaking, actions, interactions, and personal styles. I take my notebook to every meeting, and I’m writing some information and ideas for my articles, blog posts, and even books! For me, it’s one of the best ways to improve my writing skills!

4. It’s a great opportunity to listen to experienced readers

I like hearing why readers hated or loved a book. I have learned that the same book can evoke absolutely different reactions in readers. Joining a book club is a great opportunity to listen to how experienced readers share their opinions and it’s also a perfect way to improve your writing skills.

5. It shows you what readers desire to know about writers

I’m always admired by fascination of my fellow readers’ about writers’ lives! Recently my club invited a guest author, and all readers wanted to know every detail of her life, but she took up too much time reading out of her book. But we had already read her book, we desired to know everything about her! It may not improve your writing skills, but it can help you become a better guest author.

Do you belong to any book club? Do you know some other reasons book club can improve writing skills? Share your thoughts, please!