Success in life does not come without some careful planning. The best way to achieve success is by defining and then setting goals. Goals must be realistic and attainable. Goals must fit the individual’s capability of reaching them.

Setting goals too high can lead to disappointment and defeat. In order to reach the ultimate goal whether it is financial success, a position within a company, a new car, a new house, or paying off debts one must have a plan in place.

Make a list

Making a list of what must happen in order to reach the goal is a good idea. A step-by-step plan of action will help to focus on the end result. You can’t purchase a new car without good credit, a down payment, and a means of making the monthly payment. You can’t purchase a home without down payment, good credit, and a means of making the payment.

That vice-president position in the company cannot become reality unless the desire, the qualifications, the experience, and the educational level have been obtained. This is not to say that it will be easy to reach your goals. Hard work and staying focused are essential factors in successfully fulfilling your ambitions. If you are someone who believes success comes to everyone simply by maintaining the status quo, then you will never be an achiever.

Be patient

Most people make the mistake of taking the attitude that success is for those whom life has singled out to be “on top”. Anyone can achieve goals if they have the determination and focus to do so. Patience will play a key role in getting there.  There will be obstacles along the way to overcome. There may be interruptions, setbacks, and delays.

The key is not to give up or give in, but to give it your all. Take a long, hard look at where you are now versus where you would like to be. Determine a plan of action in order to get there. Take one step at a time.

The sky is the limit

“The sky is the limit” is an old cliché, but appropriate. The only limiting factor is you. If you do not have the confidence and desire to succeed, then success will pass you by. It is important to realize that setting goals that are unrealistic is to guarantee failure.

Take small steps

Take small steps on the road to success. Trying to race to the top at high speed will only result in failure. No one ever achieved success by thoughtlessly wandering from one failed attempt to another. It is always a good idea to seek advice from those whom you respect and have reached their goals through careful planning and hard work.

How long will it take to reach your goal? That depends on your particular circumstances and your degree of determination. Some goals are easily obtainable. Other goals are much more difficult and require much more effort and patience.

Just remember, that the secret to success and achieving your loftiest goal lies not with someone else, but within yourself. All you need to succeed is the desire to do so. Begin today to set your goal or goals. You can get there if you really want to.