Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that does not have a determined cause. This condition makes people more sensitive to pain. Women tend to suffer from fibromyalgia more than men. People with fibromyalgia may suffer from other conditions like sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, bladder problems and temporomandibular joint disorder. Fibromyalgia may become debilitating, but is not degenerative or life threatening. The signs and symptoms tend to come and go.

1. Pain

Fibromyalgia shows up as constant widespread pain in muscles, ligaments and tendons. This pain starts in one localized area and gradually spreads the rest of the way through the body. Multiple tender, sore points appear on the body. Pain is especially noticeable after physical exertion.

2. Lack of energy

Fatigue or the lack of energy affects every aspect of a sufferer’s life. A person suffering from fibromyalgia wakes up feeling tired. This can be attributed to their trouble sleeping.

3. Mental changes

Fibromyalgia makes a person more sensitive to loud noises, bright lights and unwelcome smells. Depression, changes in mood and altered personality are also signs of fibromyalgia. Tension headaches, migraines, dizziness and anxiety appear periodically. Memory lapses and difficulty concentrating cause fibromyalgia sufferers problems when performing simple mental tasks.

4. Other Symptoms

Paresthesia, which is tingling in the extremities, occurs along side numbness in the hands, arms, feet, legs and face. The skin becomes sensitive to the touch. Hemorrhoids, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea affect people with fibromyalgia as well.

People with fibromyalgia report that the pain feels like burning, gnawing, sore, stiff and aching pain. The degree of pain intensity depends on the time of day, activity level, weather and level of stress. Fibromyalgia keeps the sufferer in some amount of pain. This constant pain feels like a persistent bought of the flu. Symptoms of fibromyalgia are eased through management and coping strategies.