One of my favorite holidays is Halloween. On this holiday you can afford different activities, which can be both enjoyable and not so expensive. So even if you are short of money you will have fun this Halloween. I also like this holiday as it’s the first one in this season.

Halloween gives us an opportunity to remember our childhood and get some fresh feelings. We love this holiday for different reasons, such as delicious food, fresh autumn air, bright colors of costumes, etc. And what is more important is you are not expected to spend much money while celebrating Halloween.

Only in case lots of children come to you and say: “Treat or trick!” You will give them all the sweets. We can surely say that Halloween is not an expensive holiday. For this event we don’t need to cook some special food, to give presents to our friends, and even costumes we can make ourselves.

One more advantage of Halloween is that we can entertain and enjoy our time without any damage to our purses. And all those activities are funny. Here I will share my top list of entertaining activities for Halloween. Following these tips on what to do on Halloween at home can save money and valuable time but still have just as much fun.

Save on Halloween Decorations

To create a memorable holiday, you need to think about decor elements. You may have to make something with your own hands. Read about some interesting decor ideas to be aware of what to do on Halloween with your hands. The main advantage of such Halloween decorations is that they can be made from improvised materials.

1. Jack-o-lantern

Making a unique atmosphere is one of the most exciting things for those who want to know what to do on Halloween.

Jack-o-lantern is the holiday’s most famous, most characteristic, most interesting attribute. To make such a lamp with your own hands, you need to take a large pumpkin, a knife, and a spoon. Triangle eyes, nose, and evil grin can be cut out with a kitchen knife. Then, wipe the surface with alcohol to prevent the skin from molding.

Place a candle or electric garland inside. And finally, when the pumpkin is ready and you are satisfied with your work, you need to put a candle in the middle and the pumpkin itself – on the windowsill or table. This one of the most favorite cheap things to do on Halloween at home can give a special charm to your home.

2. Cardboard bats

If you want to know what to do on Halloween with kids, making such a simple but effective decoration is one of the children’s favorite Halloween activities. These scaring bats can be cut out of cardboard and folded in the middle. Then, you can assemble a garland of them, hang mice on fishing lines under the ceiling, nail them to the wall with pins, or plant them one by one on all objects in the room.

3. Spiders on the door and gauze web

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Subdued light, meeting music, cobwebs, and spiders hanging from above are also the main attributes of Halloween decorations. If you want to create such a crop, stock up on gauze: it must be torn and fixed on the ceiling.

Using rubber spiders near the doorknob or cobwebs is one of the best cheap things to do on Halloween Day if you want to scare your guests. Glow-in-the-dark paint will help to enhance the effect. Finally, you can fix the parts with double-sided tape.

4. Cottage yard decorations

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If you plan to celebrate Halloween in the cottage house, and are eager to be aware of what to do on Halloween, follow our one of the best tips of decoration of the garden plot. You can buy plastic dice in a prank and gift store and stick them in a garden wheelbarrow with earth.

In addition, you can use creepy skeletons, a win-win option for decorating the yard for Halloween. It is a great way to surprise your neighbors and create an atmospheric photo zone.

5. Cute ghosts

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Another one of the most fascinating Halloween activities is making ghosts. Turning ordinary lanterns into cute ghosts is easy and on a budget! Draw faces on the fabric or the plafonds themselves, and simply throw a piece of fabric on top of the lantern. Chiffon and any synthetic, lightweight fabrics are perfect. For maximum effect, use several layers at once. It looks great!

6. Pumpkin Cheesecake

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The most suitable thing to do on Halloween day to create an ideal holiday atmosphere is cooking themed dishes. The main pumpkin treat is a traditional pie, which must be festively decorated by this day.

There are countless pumpkin pies, and they are cooked in different ways. Decorating a pumpkin pie for Halloween is worth some small Jack-o-lantern cookies, chocolate cobwebs with small chocolate spiders, or tiny meringues resembling ghosts.

7. Halloween Cookies

If you don’t know what to do on Halloween with children, then you can cook themed cookies. It is one of the favorite things to do at home for Halloween, especially for kids. Moreover, it can be done very economically. These sweets are a great alternative to candy.

So, if you don’t know what to do on Halloween, you are welcome to search for many recipes for such sweets. Cooking them will not be a problem. As a rule, cookies are usually baked in the form of pumpkins, ghosts, spiders, and many others. But don’t limit yourself to just recipes from the Internet. After all, you can come up with something of your own and create unique recipes for preparing such sweets.

8. Halloween-themed drinks

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Make a creepy drink by mixing dark juices (blackberries and cherries) to make a blood-colored drink. You can add “eyeballs,” thereby placing blackberries in lychees. Then put the lychee in the glass of the drink so that the berries float on the surface.

Also, don’t forget about serving those creepy drinks. It is, maybe, the most exciting thing to do on Halloween day. For example, the bloody eye cocktail decoration looks creepy but is made simply using a radish. The classics of the genre are bloody smudges. It is also easy to braid a glass of drink with disgusting cobwebs.

9. Hot mummies

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If you want to do something easy, cooking Halloween hot dogs is an excellent on a budget idea. Take one package of puff pastry, thaw it and cut it into strips 2-3 cm wide. Wrap the sausages in this dough in a spiral, so the “face” remains open. Put two dots with mustard or mayonnaise in the finished dish to make eyes.

10. Ask Your Friends to Bring a Few Bags of Candy

You can feel some problems if there are many people who live near you. Everybody comes to you and says: ”Treat or trick!” It will be really difficult for you to hand out sweets to everyone who comes to your door. So the best way out is to call some of your friends who will help you with treatment.

Save on a Dress-Up Party

Last year I saw a piece of advice in a magazine for those who don’t plan to spend much money, but still want some exciting things to do on Halloween Day. You can invite a friend to your home and they will bring funny and interesting material for your Halloween costumes. Therefore, one of the most cheap things to do on Halloween is creating your image, so I’m going to tell you about the most budget ideas for making your best holiday outfit. To complete your outfits you can make for a friend an interesting hairstyle or scary make-up.

11. Zombie costume

You’ll need old clothes, eye shadow, and red lipstick for this budget look. Put on your oldest clothes, or shred unwanted garments. With red lipstick, you can apply blood stains on the skin and clothes. In addition, one of the advantages of this extremely popular is that the more untidy, the better. 

12. Mummy costume

The main advantage of this image is that it is cheap and created in a matter of minutes. All you need is just bandages or toilet paper. In fact, wrapping yourself in toilet paper or bandages is one of the fun things to do at home for Halloween. However, do not try to wind the strips of bandages carefully. Sagging shreds and threads will give a battered look.

13. Vampire costume

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One of the most mysterious and cheap things to do on Halloween at home is to turn into a vampire. Black clothes and shoes, black eye shadow, red lipstick, and false fangs will help you create the look. But also, men can combine such clothes with a snow-white shirt and a black cape or cloak.

14. Your pet’s outfit

Don’t forget your pets. It takes time and imagination to get a scary pet outfit, but on Halloween, they will definitely attract attention and help to scare and amuse friends and passers-by. Creating costumes for pets is maybe the funniest thing to do for Halloween.

The most important thing when choosing an outfit is safety. Be careful with ties around the neck, elastic bands on the paws, ears, and throat, as well as hanging ribbons, strings, and bells, that are easy to chew or swallow.

Also, please do not leave the animal unattended in the costume, and make sure that it does not show signs of stress and remember about the animal’s comfort. The suit should not interfere with movement, hearing, vision, or breathing at all.

Save on Halloween Photo Shoot

If you want to know what to do on Halloween when you finish all those preparations, you and your friends can take photos of each other.

The Halloween holiday is a great occasion to create the most incredible and original photos that will definitely take the most honorable places in your photo album. On this holiday, you can use the most daring ideas, costumes, and makeup for a photo shoot.

15. Halloween Photo Shoot Ideas with Pumpkins

For great photos, you can go to the suburbs and find a pumpkin plantation, as a pumpkin is one of the most essential attributes of this unusual holiday. So try to use it in your photos. A ripe orange pumpkin will add brightness and a special Halloween atmosphere to your photos.

16. Burning Pumpkin Halloween Photo Shoot Idea

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Continuing the theme of Halloween pumpkins, you can try such an unusual idea. What do you think of this idea for Halloween? To create the effect, as in the photo, you need to buy a special checker with colored smoke. Choose any color and get creative!

17. Coven of witches

On October 31, gather your friends to arrange a coven of witches. For such a photo shoot, you don’t need something special. Saving money, you can take long black dresses, and matches for making a fire. Of course, it is best to take such photos at sunset. This incredible idea can not only save money but also provides you with one of the most exciting things to do for Halloween.

18. True Decadence

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Another terrifying thing to do on Halloween is a True Decadence photo shoot. A combination of strict black and foggy autumn is a win-win. Moreover, it doesn’t need additional expenses. You can take a mask, a cloak, and a witch’s revealing dress for an attribute. Also, it is best to use old furniture, a black tablecloth, a bouquet of dry branches, candelabra with candles, and glasses of red wine. And, voila, the entourage is ready.

Save on Fall Fun

As a rule, people organize various show programs, arrange theme parties, home celebrations and gatherings, as well as mass processions around the city. At the same time, preference is given to scary games, fun contests, and unusual quizzes. So, if you want to know what to do on Halloween besides “Trick or Treat,” read the following pieces of advice.

The party must have enough to do! The scenario for your pastime is affected by the number of guests, the age of the guests, preferences, and the location where you want to celebrate Halloween. Here are some of the most common tips on what to do on Halloween day.

19. Go to a Party

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For many people, the best way to celebrate Halloween is just going to some parties or festivals devoted to this event. Without a doubt, you can always attend a Halloween party for free.

There are many places such as churches, some clubs and others who organize celebrations without any payments. Visiting a party at these places is one of the cheapest ways to celebrate Halloween. But don’t forget to take some sweets!

20. Watch a Movie

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There are some people who don’t like noisy parties with many people. Or just maybe someone is not in a good mood. If you want to know what to do on Halloween to celebrate this holiday peacefully, then the best choice for Halloween will be watching a scary movie with your best friend.

This is also one of the most exciting and cheap things to do on Halloween alone and is very good for people who are not so interested in Halloween. You can also buy lots of your favorite drinks and snacks and eat them to your heart’s content. Nothing so exciting, but still some kind of entertainment. And without much money. Following this tip on what to do on Halloween, you will laugh a lot and relax.

21. Get Ready for Ghost Hunting

I had such an experience when I was 12. My parents organized that for me and some of my friends. We had scary music when it became dark and somebody was coming to the entrance door. There was some dry ice going out of it. When all my friends were together we went ghost hunting.

We were holding flashlights in our hands, going to the wood through an old barn. My parents carried candles. During our walk, we made up scary ghost stories. There were some more adults who shouted and scared us. So, follow this tip on what to do on Halloween to tickle your nerves.

22. Go to a Haunted House

One more similar thing to do for Halloween is going to a haunted house. Find out if your city has panic rooms and various scary quests. Halloween is considered a frightening holiday, so if you want to be aware of what to do on Halloween with friends, going to a haunted house is one of the most excellent Halloween activities. This is a fun way to celebrate the holiday and tickle your nerves, which saves you money!

Really, that was so exciting! I don’t recommend using such activities with small children. But together with friends, it will be one of the best and the cheapest Halloween activities. My parents were really great at making entertainment for us. That was the best Halloween in my life, for which no money was required. That was very scary and memorable!

23. Use Sound Effects

If you need advice on what to do on Halloween to strengthen the frightening atmosphere, use sound effects. They will make the atmosphere unforgettable and realistic. This is one of the easiest things to do at home on Halloween. You should just hide players or phones with small speakers behind the decorations. It can be smooth sounds of creaking, gnashing, and howl. This secret of a successful Halloween party can not only scare your friends but also save your money.

If you have some funny, creative, and exciting ideas about the Halloween celebration without much money tell us, please!

Below, we have compiled a list of the most interesting questions about simple and cheap ways to celebrate Halloween:

How do you celebrate Halloween on a budget?

There are many various tips to celebrate Halloween on a budget but still have a great time. Firstly, it is unnecessary to buy all the decorations at special stores to decorate the house. They can be easily made by hand. Secondly, choose an image for the creation of which you will need the things you have so as not to waste money again. Thirdly, to prepare a Halloween dinner for guests, spending a lot of money is unnecessary. On the Internet, you can search for many simple recipes that will be no less tasty. And finally, you do not need to spend money to have fun. Come up with activities that will not require extra costs—for example, watching movies, hunting for ghosts, having nightly gatherings with friends, and telling scary stories.

How can you celebrate Halloween at home?

There is a great variety of tips to celebrate Halloween at home. First of all, make a unique atmosphere by decorating your house with spiders, cobwebs, ghosts, and, of course, pumpkins. Then, cook Halloween-themed dishes to surprise friends. And, finally, have fun with them, watching movies, telling frightening stories to each other, and listening to autumn music.

What are 5 traditional Halloween activities?

Trick or Treat is the main traditional Halloween activity when adults and children dress up as different monsters and decorate their homes. Then, they go to neighbors and beg for sweets with the words “Trick or Treat.”

Touring a haunted house is another traditional Halloween activity. In addition, such houses are considered the best places to celebrate Halloween.

Watching Halloween movies can compliment your cozy autumn evening.

Holding a Halloween Costume Party is one of the brightest traditional things to do on Halloween when everybody has an opportunity to prove themselves.

Carving a Pumpkin is also one of the leading traditional Halloween activities since the main symbol of the holiday is the so-called Jack Lamp. It is believed that a similar fruit, left on All Saints’ Day near the house, will drive away evil spirits from it.