Not only does a good night’s sleep make it easier to get through the day, studies have linked the lack of healthful sleep with certain health concerns, such as obesity, colon cancer, heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes and premature death. A 2010 study published in the Journal Sleep and conducted by the University of Warwick, Warwick Medical school and several other participants, found that people who averaged less than six hours of sleep nightly had a higher mortality rate than those who slept at least eight hours.

1. Environment

Create an environment fit for sleeping. Make sure that your bed and your bedding are comfortable and appropriate for the season. Eliminate all distractions both inside and outside your bedroom. Turn off the TV and radio, block out noise and light from the street with insulated curtains, and adjust the temperature in your bedroom to a comfortable degree.

2. Exercise

According to, 20 to 30 minutes of daily exercise helps you fall asleep quicker and sleep with less interruption once you are asleep. If you do not have a lot of time to devote to exercise, try adopting short bursts of activity into your daily routine. Park farther from your office building and take the stairs when time permits. Stretch and walk on your breaks instead of sitting in the lounge. With a little bit of thought, you can find multiple ways to turn your normal routine into a more active one. Decrease activity a few hours before bed to get your body into rest mode.

3. Routine

Your body is a creature of habit and craves a consistent routine. Go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. This includes the weekends. Avoid taking naps, as this disrupts your normal routine and pattern. Nightly rituals also let your body know it is time to get ready to sleep. Instead of turning off the TV and hopping straight into bed, take some time to wind down. Lay out your clothes for the next day, read a book or meditate.

4. Diet

Do not stuff yourself or eat heavy foods right before bedtime. Eat dinner early in the evening and a light snack closer to bedtime. Avoid sugary and fatty foods at snack time. Choose healthy whole grains or a small serving of protein instead. Also try to eat food that helps minimize cellulite.

Getting a good night’s sleep without the aid of sleeping medications is entirely possible if you adopt a routine that tells your body when it is time to sleep. Avoid practices that keep you tossing and turning, and go to sleep at the same time each night to fall asleep fast.