As I was trying to do my workout at home, I was surprised to find it difficult to stick to. I have tried all the types of workout possible, but still it was difficult. If you ever tried to do it yourself you know there are lots of reasons to stop exercise: you may be distracted, and you may be busy or just forgot to do it. But with the time, I worked up some tips that can help you as well.
1. Plan you workout
Sometimes you are too busy to find proper time for your workout. In this case you can try to schedule your training. Choose the time when you know for sure that no one will disturb you. It may be early morning or time before you go to bed, it depends on your free time and your desire. You may even alter your daily schedule and find the time convenient for your body cycles. It is up to you to decide.
2. Choose your ideal workout
Have you ever tried a favourite workout of your friend just to find out that it does not work for you? Why is it so? Just because you don’t like it! There are plenty of home exercise regimens you may choose from. Try some of them to see which one is yours. Perhaps you need an at-home workout that will vary your routine or it might be just the other way around.
Read also – 7 Workout Tips for Absolute Beginners
3. Don’t try too hard
If you had a long break in your trainings, start again carefully. Ease-off the training loads for a start. When you will get used to you workouts you can increase intensity again. It can be very tempting to train more in order to get into the shape quicker. But you may end up being completely exhausted. So, make sure you don’t overdo it.
4. Find someone to share your trainings
To train with somebody is not much, but if you like company it may help you to keep training. It may become a good motivation for both of you. You will be able to support each other if somebody of you won’t get desirable result. In case you like to have company in any activity it may work for workout as well.
5. Get ready
One more thing that can help you stay motivated is preparation for workout. Perhaps you know the feeling when you are getting ready for some activity whether it is a work day or a date. The process fills you with feeling of importance of whatever you are doing. Try to get ready for your workout, get out the equipment you will need. Just try it; this tip may be exactly what you need.
6. Make your diet healthy
If you are exercising hard, make sure your body gets all the nutrients it needs. Even if you want to lose weight, calories are still essential for the health of your body. Add more natural food to your menu with a lot of fiber and vitamins; it will make you feel more energetic. Sometimes it may be necessary to eat a bit more when you work out well.
Read also – 7 Tips for Sticking to a Healthy Diet
7. Avoid dehydration
It is always important to keep you body hydrated. But it becomes even more important if you do the workout. You will surely need to drink more if you exercise a lot. Nothing can hydrate our body better than water, so try to drink as much as possible during the day, and keep water bottle handy while working out. Think of using sports drinks if your workouts are hard.
These are the tips that work for me perfectly, and I will be glad if they help you to keep motivated. Perhaps, you have your own tips to share, or you will work them up with time. Share your opinion on the subject.