Many pregnant women experience morning sickness, especially in their first trimester. The good news is that morning sickness is actually a good sign of a healthy pregnancy. If you’re going through morning sickness, here are some of the best ways to cope with morning sickness.

1. Value of getting enough sleep

One of the things that most pregnant women ignore is the value of getting enough sleep. If you’re tired, you’re more likely to experience nausea. Therefore, enough sleep is one of the most essential tips for coping with morning sickness.

Sleep with open windows: the air in the bedroom should be fresh and cool. Go to bed on time, do not sit at midnight in front of the TV or at the computer, eliminate all irritating factors: an uncomfortable mattress, blanket, pillow, hard bedding – lack of sleep can respond with morning sickness. Stay in bed for 20 minutes and get up slowly if you feel sick when you wake up. Give yourself some time. This can help keep morning sickness at bay.

2. Value of drinking water

When you vomit, you’ll lose some amount of water. So it’s essential to drink plenty of water when you’re going through morning sickness. Between meals, drink more often: a sip or two of mineral water. But drink in small sips.

If you don’t want to drink water, you can opt for chamomile or peppermint teas. The tea won’t only give you some energy but also can help you cope with morning sickness.

Also, you should not drink food and give up soups for a while – a large amount of food drunk and eaten, on the contrary, only provokes nausea and vomiting.
Read also –7 Ways to Increase Your Water Intake

3. Consume Ginger

Ginger is one of the most popular natural remedies for morning sickness during pregnancy. When it comes to soothing nausea, ginger has been shown to be very effective. In addition, it can help relieve an upset stomach.

While you’re going through morning sickness, sipping ginger ale is one of the most useful tips for coping with morning sickness. Gingerbread cookies or ginger ale are an affordable way to get the right serving of the product. Carefully study the composition: only natural ginger will help with indigestion. Avoid artificial flavors.

4. Apply a few Drops of Essential Oils

If you’re looking for relaxing essential oils with a pleasant, distracting scent for morning sickness, we suggest trying Lavender, Peppermint, and Ginger. Aromatherapy has proved to be effective in coping with morning sickness. Try applying drops of grapefruit, peppermint, bergamot, or lemon oil on your pulse points during the day.

Apply them on your wrists and neck to surround yourself with gentle, soothing scents. As a result, you’ll feel less depressed and revitalized.

5. Keep Yourself Distracted

When you’re feeling nauseated, it’s not easy to think of something else, but if you focus on it, it will make things worse. Therefore, distracting yourself is another one of the best tips for coping with morning sickness. For instance, read a good book, talk to your friend, solve a puzzle or go for a walk. But don’t exert yourself if you’re feeling tired. For example, you can go for a little walk, listen to music or meet friends. All this will divert your attention from nausea.

6. Practice good food habits

Sure, when you’re going through morning sickness, you won’t even want to look at food, but don’t keep your stomach empty since it can only make nausea worse. Eat fractionally, 5-6 times a day, or even more often, and always in small portions. Food should be easily digestible, high-calorie, and fortified whenever possible.

Go for a biscuit or some dry toast before you get up from your bed. Keep healthy snacks with you all the time. Opt for grapes, crackers, nuts, or peppermint candies. In connection with a decrease in appetite, they recommend varied and pleasant food for the expectant mother, that is, products are selected taking into account the desires of the pregnant woman, with the exception of spicy dishes and smoked meats. It is important to remember that very hot or cold food often induces morning sickness, so the dishes should be warm.
Read also –10 Things Healthy and Successful People Do Every Morning

7. Breathe Fresh Air

Walking in the fresh air is helpful for everyone, but especially it is an excellent piece of advice on how to deal with morning sickness. Fresh air after eating is the best prevention of vomiting. Firstly, when walking, the blood of the expectant mother and baby is saturated with oxygen, which is very important for health, and secondly, walking calms the nervous system.

All this helps to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of morning sickness. You need to walk at least two hours a day – not just along the street, but in a place where the air is fresh: in a forest, park, square, and best of all, outside the city. Before going out, think about the route: go away from gas-polluted highways, street cafes, tents with food, and other “fragrant” places.

8. Try to be Less Nervous

Psychologists believe that the cause of toxicosis is not only hormonal changes but also the psychological state of a woman. The more a woman experiences, the more anxieties and fears she has, and the more pronounced morning sickness can be. Therefore, try to react less to unpleasant external moments. Instead, calm yourself and please yourself more.

9. Sniff a Fresh Scent

Taste and smell preferences in the first-trimester change. Now even your favorite perfumes can cause morning sickness, headaches, and allergic reactions. Therefore, remove all fragrant cosmetics that irritate you: perfumes, deodorants, creams, etc.

In addition, you will have to stop using your favorite perfume for your husband and loved ones. Explain to others that this is not a whim, but a temporary measure, very soon, everything will return to normal.

However, other scents, such as citrus and herbs, can help with morning sickness.

10. Carry a Morning Sickness Survival Kit

Morning sickness is far from the most pleasant feeling. Therefore, vomiting in public is something one cannot get used to. But even so, there is a name in the purse for such cases. For example, a clean T-shirt, toothbrush, and toothpaste.

It’s also a good idea for coping with morning sickness to carry a plastic (barf) bag with you for those scary moments when you can’t hold it until you get to the bathroom, as well as a supply of crackers or pretzels you can chew on when your stomach hurts.

Do you have any other tips for coping with morning sickness? Share them, please!

Below, we have compiled a list of the most interesting questions about tips for coping with morning sickness:

What does morning sickness feel like?

Usually, this condition takes a woman by surprise. There are many changes in the body of the expectant mother. For example, eating habits change dramatically, there is an increased sensitivity to smells, nausea, and irritability, and you constantly want to sleep. In addition, uncontrollable salivation, subfebrile temperature, or vomiting.

How can I calm my morning sickness while pregnant?

First of all, drink plenty of water and reconsider your diet – these are fresh vegetable salads and fruits (except for exotic ones that can cause allergies), steamed vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, whole grain cereals, and bread, rich in B vitamins. Also, breathe fresh air and get distracted—all this helps to calm morning sickness.

What is the cause of morning sickness?

Identifying the specific cause of toxicosis is impossible – every pregnant woman has her own. However, the main causes of morning sickness can be hormonal changes during pregnancy, stressful situations, weight loss during pregnancy, and overwork.

How do you mentally deal with morning sickness?

Be less stressed to deal with morning sickness. This has a considerable effect on toxicosis. Try to shield yourself from unpleasant news and ill-tempered people. Instead, enjoy every moment and look for joy in everything.