Menopause is the cessation of a woman’s menstrual period. Menopause usually happens gradually. If you have begun going through menopause, you may notice that you miss some menstrual periods. Thus you may begin to bleed once in 2 months instead of menstruating every 28 days.
In the US, the average age for a female to reach menopause is 51. Once you have not had a menstrual period for one full year, you are post-menopausal. Most women find the transition through menopause quite difficult because there are unpleasant symptoms associated with it. For example, a woman going through menopause might suffer from hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, vaginal dryness, and loss of sex drive.
If you are going through menopause and suffering unpleasant symptoms, there is hope. There are many things that you can do to reduce unpleasant menopausal symptoms. Here are some of them:
1. Consider your diet
Simply amending your diet can work miracles when it comes to easing the symptoms of menopause. For instance, making sure you are getting enough soy in your diet can do a great deal to reduce or even eliminate the hot flashes that are associated with the drop in estrogen levels menopause causes. Soy is contained in quite a few food products including tempeh, tofu, soy milk, soy powder, whole soybeans, miso, and texturized vegetable protein.
You can also reduce the symptoms of menopause by including more beans, fruits, vegetables, good HDL cholesterol, and flaxseed in your diet. It is a good idea to avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar and/or fat if you want to reduce your menopause symptoms. Women who get a lot of calcium in their diet seem to suffer fewer menopausal symptoms, so you might also wish to ensure that there are enough low-fat dairy products in your diet.
When you eat meals, avoid eating until you feel full and bloated. Instead, eat little and often. This will help you to maintain the right blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar levels are well balanced it is easier for hormones to circulate throughout your body.
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2. Check out herbs and supplements
There are many herbs and supplements you can take to reduce unpleasant menopausal symptoms. Some of the examples of useful vitamins and supplements for easing menopause include flaxseed, dong quai, black cohosh, vitamin E, B vitamins, evening primrose oil, and blackcurrant oil. You might also wish to try estrogen hormone therapy. But before taking any supplement, make sure you consult your doctor first.
3. Exercise and relaxation
Exercise and relaxation are both important if you want menopause to be less bothersome. Research indicates that women who exercise on a regular basis during menopause are less inclined to suffer from night sweats, hot flashes, and insomnia. For best results, exercise in the morning. Evidence suggests that exercising at night may keep you awake.
Stress can worsen menopausal symptoms. Thus it is a good idea to find ways to relax and unwind during menopause. You may wish to try yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises. Alternatively, do whatever makes you feel calm and restful. For instance, you may find listening to music or having a soak in the bath helps you to unwind.
Read also – 7 Exercises You Can Do during Your Period
There is no doubt that menopausal symptoms are unpleasant. However, you do not have to suffer in silence. Following the tips and advice outlined in this article should help make menopause a little easier to cope with. It is also worth remembering that menopause doesn’t last forever, so the unpleasant symptoms associated with it have to end at some stage.