Nowadays there are so many blogs on the internet that it seems as if almost everyone has their own blog. However, you could probably count on your fingers the number of really successful blogs.

Well, if you want to have a successful blog, here are a few ways to improve your blog.

1. Write about what you love

Blogging about what you love is one of the best ways to build a successful blog. When you write about something you are passionate about, there are more chances to come across in your writing and readers will connect with it more.

Trust me, if you write about your interests, you will find blogging much more enjoyable!

2. Post original content

Copying other people’s content or images isn’t the best way to build a successful blog. People would not want to read your blog because they can get the same content from the original source. The big problem with using content of other people mainly has to do with copyright issues.

If you decide to use someone else’s materials, you should certainly credit the source.

3. Have a “voice”

When good grammar and spelling never go out of style, it’s also helpful to have a “voice”. It can be the use of some phrases and key words. If you have a recognizable writing style it will definitely set you apart from your competition. Remember, the whole point of writing is to constantly evolve and improve it.

4. Interact with your readers

If you want to build a successful blog you should constantly reply to comments or emails. If you have time, visit their blogs. Try to listen to their feedbacks and advices, it will help you to improve your blog’s content. If you interact with your audience, they can become your regular visitors.

5. Comment on other blogs

This is another way to build a successful blog. If you comment on other blogs, you can get more readers for your blog. It’s always great to visit the blog of someone who often comments on yours. Show a real interest in the post that you’re commenting on.

In this way you’ll see how commenting on other blogs can drive direct traffic to your own. But don’t spam other blogs because it could have the opposite effect.

6. Choose a simple color scheme

I’m not going to say that you should choose only a black and white color scheme, but a blog design plays a large part in readers staying on your site. Just choose three or four color scheme, but make sure that they are all complementary (if you don’t know, consult a color wheel).

Bright or clashing colors will definitely divert readers from your site.

7. Choose easy-to-read fonts

Easily-readable font plays a really important role in keeping readers on your site. Avoid fussy fonts that are difficult to read and many computers may not be set up to see them, and it means that your text will appear as a default font on these computers.

You should also avoid small font sizes. If you want people to read your blog, then it should be legible.

8. Set up an accompanying Twitter or Facebook account

Setting up an accompanying Twitter or Facebook account is the last way to build a successful blog. It can also be a helpful way of staying in contact with your readers. Such form of microblogging can also help to fill in the gaps between regular posts.

Moreover, there’s the social networking aspect. Twitter or Facebook account will provide new pathways for directing traffic to your site.

After your blog became successful you can monetize your successful blog!

Are you thinking of starting your own blog? Or do you already have a blog? Maybe you know some other ways to build a successful blog, share your thoughts, please!