Meeting someone new can be a challenge, but it can be easier to break the ice with these compliments. However, you should always make sure you are genuine when complimenting someone. Never say something if you don’t mean it!

If you find something to compliment a person that you really admire about them, you should certainly tell them! A nice compliment breaks the ice and creates an easier avenue for talking to someone new.

Here are 15 wonderful compliments to give people you meet for the first time. Some of them are better for a woman than a man, and a few are even useful for a job interview, but every one of them can be condition-specific, so choose the most appropriate ones.

1. Your smile is so beautiful

If someone you meet for the first time has a lovely smile, make sure to tell them so! It’s one of the easiest ways to break the ice and start a conversation. A smile is the most beautiful thing everyone can wear, and when someone appreciates it, it’s so nice.

2. I like your outfit

This is another great compliment to give someone you meet for the first time. After all, who doesn’t want to be complimented on what they are wearing? I admit, I love it!

If you meet a new guy, you may say something like, “Your shirt is really nice.” If it is a woman, you may say something like, “Beautiful blouse,” or “Awesome dress.” This will break the ice and make a person feel good.

3. You are so nice

An easy compliment you can give someone new is to tell them how polite they are. If they are friendly or they have great manners, tell them so! This compliment is appropriate in almost any situation!

4. Your hair looks amazing

This is a great compliment to give a woman or man, and a simple one too. Everybody loves to feel like their hair looks amazing, and having somebody tell you that is a wonderful compliment to get, so return the favor.

5. Your jewellery is so cute

Sure, along with outfits, every woman likes to be complimented on her jewelry. Don’t be afraid to express your love for a woman’s jewelry, or if it’s a man, you may say something like, “Great watch.” If you are in a job interview, keep it short and not over the top, and say something like, “I like your jewelry.”

6. I love your style

If you really like the way a person dresses or accessories, one of the best ways to say this is simply, “You have a great style.” It makes a simple but very nice compliment anyone will like.

7. You have a great taste in books

When I meet people for the first time, I like finding out what they read. If it’s something I love, I always tell them so! If someone speaks of a book, they have recently read that sounds interesting to you, feel free to tell them. If you are lucky, they might even allow you to borrow their book.

8. You have a lovely accent

If you meet someone who is from a different country, state or area and you love their accent, compliment them. This compliment is always nice to get. Trust me, I know.

9. You are a good cook

This is a great compliment for your partner’s mother or sister! If you are eating a meal prepared on behalf of someone else who did an excellent job, tell them that they are a good cook. Who knows, maybe you will even get a second invitation!?

10. I’ve heard a lot of good things about you

If you don’t know what to say about someone you meet for the first time, or you’re finding it difficult to begin a conversation, then you may just say something like, “I’ve heard many good things about you.” This compliment is a fabulous way to break the ice. However, if you haven’t heard anything of them, then certainly don’t say this.

11. This is a super tasty meal

If you’re going over to someone’s house for dinner, don’t forget to tell them that their dinner was super delicious. Every cook and person hosting an event loves to hear this, and it’s a simple compliment to give to somebody in exchange for a delicious meal.

12. I like your taste in sports

If you are going into a guy’s house and you don’t know what to say, but you notice he has a few sports memorabilia on his desk or walls that you love, tell him he has great taste in sports. He will definitely like this compliment. But be sure you mean what you say, because he may ask you who your favorite players are, so you should know the answer!

13. Your nail polish is beautiful

If a woman interviewing you for your next job has a beautiful nail polish color, feel free to tell her! Don’t think that this compliment will make you sound weird.

You’ll just let her know you appreciate her great taste in nail polish. There’s no harm in this!

14. Your car is awesome

Everybody who has a great car loves to hear it. If you love someone’s car, tell them so. It’s a simple and indirect compliment that begins a conversation and makes them feel more at ease with you.

15. The flowers on your desk are beautiful

Whenever I go into someone’s home or office, I always admire their flowers, especially if they are gorgeous. This is a wonderful compliment to give someone new. This compliment is especially great for a job interview where you don’t want to come over as fake or over the top.

Getting a nice compliment can make everyone feel great. In fact, complimenting other people is a perfect way to begin a conversation and get to know someone. Plus, it’s an easy start to meeting new friends.

Do you have favorite compliments you love to give people you meet for the first time? Please comment below, and thanks for reading!